All ordinances shall be recorded by the clerk in a book to be called `The Ordinance Book', and it shall be the duty of the mayor and clerk to authenticate such records by their official signatures thereon, but the failure to so record and authenticate any such ordinance shall not invalidate it or suspend its operation.
Any ordinance may provide for the punishment of those who violate its provisions. The punishment for the violation of any ordinance, including the costs charged for the prosecution thereof, shall not exceed a fine of five hundred dollars or imprisonment for 90 days, or both, in the discretion of the court; said imprisonment may be either in the city or county jail, or in any work house in the state which is authorized by law to receive prisoners from the city.
Subject to the provisions of law, the council may open, establish, vacate, discontinue, or abolish any highway, street, lane, alley, or other public place or part thereof, by resolution. After the introduction of such resolution and before its final adoption, the council shall hold a public hearing thereon, and shall post or publish notices of such hearing as required by general law.
In accordance with the provisions of law now or hereafter in effect, the council may enact technical codes or regulations which have been promulgated or enacted by the State of Michigan or the United States of America, or by any department, board, or other agency thereof, or by any organization or association which is organized and conducted for the purpose of developing any such code or technical regulations, by reference thereto in an adopting ordinance and without publishing any such code in full: Provided that each statute or technical code or regulation is clearly identified in the ordinance adopting the same. The purpose of the code or regulation shall be published with the adopting ordinance and complete printed copies thereof shall be kept in the office of the clerk, available for inspection by and distribution to the public at all times. Such publication shall contain a notice stating that a complete copy of said code or regulation is available for public use and inspection at the office of the clerk.
Unless an ordinance shall expressly provide to the contrary, if any portion of an ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall be found to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining portions or applications of the ordinance, which can be given effect without the invalid portion or application, if such remaining portions or applications are not determined by the court to be inoperable, and, to this end ordinances of the city are declared to be severable.