Sec. 18.4 Disability retirement.
   Policemen and firemen of the City of Inkster shall be subject to disability retirement as hereinafter provided:
   (a)   Members on disability retirement under the predecessor Village of Inkster Retirement System for Policemen and Firemen as of the effective date shall be continued on said disability benefit in a monthly amount as it existed on the effective date of this Chapter 18 but subject thereafter to the conditions and provisions of this Chapter 18.
   (b)   Employee members who suffer total disability after the effective date shall be placed on disability retirement as provided in Section 18.6 hereof and subject to the provisions of paragraphs (c) and (d) immediately following:
   (c)   The extent and continuation of disability shall in all cases of dispute be referred to a commission consisting of one reputable physician named by the board and one reputable physician named by the person claiming disability. The decision of such commission shall be made in writing and filed with the board. In all cases where there is a disagreement between the two physicians, they shall appoint a third physician whose decision on such matters shall be final. In all cases where there is a dispute as to the cause of disability, such dispute shall be referred to the board whose decision on such matters shall be final.
   (d)   Any fireman or policeman retired for disability shall at any time upon the request of himself or any member of the board, be re-examined by a commission of three, constituted as provided in paragraph (c) immediately above. If the board, after receiving a report of said commission, shall find that said disability has ceased, then such fireman or policeman shall be returned to duty at full pay.