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Sec. 7.1 Regular meetings.
   The council shall provide by resolution for the place of its regular meetings and shall hold at least two regular meetings each month which shall be held on the first and third Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. If any time set for holding of a regular meeting of the council shall be a holiday, then such regular meeting shall be held at the same hour and place on the next secular day which is not a holiday.
   The council shall have the power to suspend by a majority vote of the entire council any regular meeting to the next secular day, provided that no more than three regular meetings shall be suspended in any one fiscal year.
Sec. 7.2 Special meetings.
   Special meetings shall be called by the clerk on the written request of the mayor, or any two members of the council on at least twenty-four hours written notice to each member of the council, served personally or left at his usual place of residence; but a special meeting may be held on shorter notice if all members of the council are present or have waived notice thereof in writing.
Sec. 7.3 Business at special meetings.
   No business shall be transacted at any special meeting of the council unless the same has been stated in the notice of such meeting. However, any business which may lawfully come before a regular meeting may be transacted at a special meeting if all the members of the council are present and consent thereto.
Sec. 7.4 Meetings open to the public.
   All regular and special meetings of the council shall be open to the public and rules of order of the council shall provide that citizens shall have a reasonable opportunity to be heard. No official action shall be taken by the council at other than a regular or special meeting.
Sec. 7.5 Quorum.
   A majority of the councilmen or the mayor and any three councilmen shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at all meetings of the council but in the absence of a quorum a lesser number may adjourn any meeting to a later date.
Sec. 7.6 Rules of the council.
   The council shall determine its own rules and order of business and shall keep a journal of all its proceedings in the English language which shall be signed by the mayor and the clerk. The vote upon the passage of all ordinances and upon the adoption of all resolutions shall be taken by `Yes' and `No' vote and entered upon the records, except that where the vote is unanimous it shall only be necessary to so state. No member shall vote on any question in which he is financially interested (other than the common public interest) or any question concerning his own official conduct, but on all other questions each member of the council who shall be recorded as present shall vote on all questions decided by the council. Any citizen or taxpayer of the city shall have access to the minutes and records of all regular and special meetings of the council at all reasonable times during regular office hours of the city clerk.
Sec. 7.7 Investigations.
   The council, or any person or committee authorized by it for the purpose, shall have power to inquire into the conduct of any department, office, or officer of the city and to make investigations as to municipal affairs, and for that purpose may subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, and compel the production of books, papers, and other evidence. Failure on the part of any officer of the city to obey such subpoena or to produce books, papers, or other evidence as ordered under the provisions of this section shall constitute misconduct in office. If such failure shall be on the part of any employee of the city, it shall constitute a misdemeanor.
Sec. 7.8 Health and safety.
   The council shall see that provision is made for the public peace and health, and for the safety of persons and property. Until otherwise provided by ordinance or resolution, the council shall constitute the board of health of the city, and it and its officers shall possess all powers, privileges and immunities granted to boards of health by statute.
Sec. 7.9 Publication of council proceedings.
   An abstract of the proceedings of the council shall be published at least once within fifteen days after each meeting of the council in a newspaper of local circulation in the city.