General Provisions
36.01 Officials authorized to sign checks
36.02 Creation of property rental receipts account
36.03 Establishment of fund for receipts of income tax payments; uses
36.04 Establishment of federal general revenue sharing trust fund
36.05 Establishment of public transportation fund
36.06 Creation of capital improvement reserve fund
36.07 Creation of gift fund for pecuniary gifts
36.08 Creation of Camp Jim B purchase fund
36.09 Creation of drug offender fund
36.10 Creation of criminal activity forfeiture fund
36.11 Deposits of inactive and interim funds
36.12 Interest on special funds
36.13 DUI enforcement and education fund
36.14 Land acquisition fund
36.15 Employee health reimbursement insurance fund
36.16 Mayor's court computer fund
36.17 Law enforcement assistance fund
36.18 Retirement benefit reserve fund; retirement benefit reserve water works fund
36.19 Firehouse construction fund
36.20 Credit memo clearing fund
Green Areas and Recreational Fund
36.20 Creation of green areas and recreational fund
36.21 The trust res
36.22 Uses and purposes
36.23 Contributions and purchases
36.24 Separation of assets of fund
36.25 Accounting and bookkeeping
36.26 Expenditures and disbursements
36.27 Uniform Depository Act
36.28 Powers
36.29 Green areas advisory committee
36.30 Dissolution
36.31 Creation of green areas acquisition fund
36.32 Creation of green areas and recreational unrestricted fund
36.33 Creation of green areas and recreational endowment fund
36.34 Creation of maintenance fund
Fund for Stanley M. Rowe Arboretum
36.40 Creation of Green Areas Trust Fund for Stanley M. Rowe Arboretum
36.41 Establishment of Arboretum Advisory Committee
36.42 Expenditures from Arboretum Fund