ARTICLE 1 THROUGH 24 REPEALED PER Greenwood Common Council Ordinance 20-29, adopted October 5, 2020.
Division I. Introduction and Using this Ordinance.
Sec. 10-01-01 Title; Effective Date.
Sec. 10-01-02 Statutory Authority.
Sec. 10-01-03 Purpose and Intent.
Sec. 10-01-04 Findings for Adoption of this Ordinance.
Sec. 10-01-05 Applicability.
Sec. 10-01-06 Districts and Zones
Sec. 10-01-07 Planned Unit Development (PUD) .
Sec. 10-01-08 Official Zoning Map.
Sec. 10-01-09 Replacement of Official Zoning Map.
Sec. 10-01-10 Rules for Interpreting District and Zone Boundaries on Official Zoning Map.
Sec. 10-01-11 Lots Divided by District or Zone Boundaries.
Sec. 10-01-12 Rules of Measurement and Calculation.
Sec. 10-01-13 Rules of Interpretation.
Sec. 10-01-14 Minimum Requirements.
Sec. 10-01-15 Effect of Annexation on Zoning.
Sec. 10-01-16 Determination of Land Uses Not Listed in this Ordinance.
Sec. 10-01-17 Saving Provision for Pending Enforcement Actions.
Sec. 10-01-18 Invalidity/Severability.
Sec. 10-01-19 How to Navigate this Ordinance.
Sec. 10-01-20 through 10-01-50 Reserved for Future Use.
Division II. Districts and Zones.
Sec. 10-02-01 Intent.
Sec. 10-02-02 Compliance with Regulations.
Sec. 10-02-03 District and Zone Regulations.
Sec. 10-02-04 Chapter Order and list of Districts and Zones.
Sec. 10-02-05 Development Regulations.
Sec. 10-02-06 Zoning Map.
Sec. 10-02-07 Diagram of Standards.
Sec. 10-02-08 Infill Lot Development.
Sec. 10-02-09 Classification of Permitted Uses.
Sec. 10-02-10 Similar Use Determinations.
Sec. 10-02-11 Master List of Uses by Zone and District.
Sec. 10-02-12 Standards for Special Exceptions.
Sec. 10-02-13 Residential Large Lot Zone (RL).
Sec. 10-02-14 Residential Medium Lot Zone (RM).
Sec. 10-02-15 Residential Attached Single-Family Zone (RA).
Sec. 10-02-16 Residential Multi-Unit Complex Zone (RMC).
Sec. 10-02-17 Residential Mobile Home Zone (RMH).
Sec. 10-02-18 Commercial Small Format Zone (CS).
Sec. 10-02-19 Commercial Medium Format Zone (CM).
Sec. 10-02-20 Commercial Large Format Zone (CL) .
Sec. 10-02-21 Industrial Medium Format Zone (IM).
Sec. 10-02-22 Industrial Large Format Zone (IL).
Sec. 10-02-23 Open Space (OS).
Sec. 10-02-24 Agricultural District (AG).
Sec. 10-02-25 Old Town District (OT).
Sec. 10-02-26 Old Town Residential District (OTR).
Sec. 10-02-27 Interstate Commerce District (IC).
Sec. 10-02-28 Airport Commerce District (AC).
Sec. 10-02-29 Airspace Overlay District (AO).
Sec. 10-02-30 Flood Hazard Overlay District.
Division III. Generally Applicable Regulations.
Sec. 10-03-01 Applicability.
Sec. 10-03-02 Parking and Access.
Sec. 10-03-03 Commercial Off-Street Loading Facilities.
Sec. 10-03-04 Loading and Drop-off for Deliveries and Rideshare.
Sec. 10-03-05 Drive-thrus.
Sec. 10-03-06 Landscaping and Buffering.
Sec. 10-03-07 Outdoor Lighting.
Sec. 10-03-08 Signage.
Sec. 10-03-09 Fences and Screens.
Sec. 10-03-10 Outdoor Display and Storage.
Sec. 10-03-11 Manufactured and Mobile Homes.
Sec. 10-03-12 Home Occupations.
Sec. 10-03-13 Accessory Uses and Structures.
Sec. 10-03-14 Building Design Standards.
Sec. 10-03-15 Telecommunications Facilities.
Sec. 10-03-16 Specific Uses Standards.
Sec. 10-03-17 Planned Unit Development (PUD).
Division IV. Administration and Procedures.
Sec. 10-04-01 Applicability.
Sec. 10-04-02 Planning Director.
Sec. 10-04-03 Plan Commission.
Sec. 10-04-04 Board of Zoning Appeals.
Sec. 10-04-05 Site Development Plan Review Process.
Sec. 10-04-06 Written Commitments.
Sec. 10-04-07 Annexation.
Sec. 10-04-08 Appeals.
Sec. 10-04-09 Violations; Remedies.
Division V. Nonconformities.
Sec. 10-05-01 Applicability.
Sec. 10-05-02 Continuation.
Sec. 10-05-03 Enlargement or Substitution.
Sec. 10-05-04 Repairs, Maintenance and Alterations.
Sec. 10-05-05 Replacement of Non-Residential Structure.
Sec. 10-05-06 Replacement of Residential Structure.
Sec. 10-05-07 Discontinuance.
Sec. 10-05-08 Summary Table.
Division VI. Subdivisions.
Sec. 10-06-01 General Provisions and Design Principles.
Sec. 10-06-02 Blocks.
Sec. 10-06-03 Lots.
Sec. 10-06-04 Easements and Dedications.
Sec. 10-06-05 Streets.
Sec. 10-06-06 Alleys.
Sec. 10-06-07 Intersections.
Sec. 10-06-08 Sight Distance at Intersections.
Sec. 10-06-09 Sidewalks.
Sec. 10-06-10 Trail Systems.
Sec. 10-06-11 Public Sites.
Sec. 10-06-12 Underground Utilities.
Sec. 10-06-13 Driveways.
Sec. 10-06-14 Streetlights.
Sec. 10-06-15 Traffic Control Devices.
Sec. 10-06-16 Street and Subdivision Names.
Sec. 10-06-17 Common Areas.
Sec. 10-06-18 Underground Utilities.
Sec. 10-06-19 Stormwater.
Sec. 10-06-20 Sanitary Sewers.
Sec. 10-06-21 Fire Protection.
Sec. 10-06-22 Minor Subdivision Procedures.
Sec. 10-06-23 Major Subdivision Procedures.
Sec. 10-06-24 Submittal and Contents of Plat and Plans.
Sec. 10-06-25 Review and Approval Process.
Sec. 10-06-26 Secondary Approval.
Sec. 10-06-27 Applicability to a PUD.
Sec. 10-06-28 Land Alteration Permit.
Sec. 10-06-29 Complete Installation of Improvements.
Sec. 10-06-30 Provisions for Completion and Maintenance of Improvements.
Division VII. Glossary.
Sec. 10-06-31 through Sec. 10-06-50 Reserved for Future Use.
ARTICLE 1 THROUGH 24 REPEALED PER Greenwood Common Council Ordinance 20-29, adopted October 5, 2020.