A. Technical Review Committee. At such time as the documents required in paragraph Sec. 10-06-24 F. above have been submitted in proper form and numbers, the applicant will be notified of the time and date of meeting with the Technical Review Committee. For Primary Plats, the Technical Review Committee shall meet prior to the Plan Commission meeting at which the subdivision plat or other development plan is to have “Primary Hearing”. For secondary plats, the Technical Review Committee shall meet prior to action being taken by the Plan Commission or designated official. The Technical Review Committee shall review the design and construction aspects of the proposed development or subdivision with emphasis placed on public improvements, utilities, drainage, and related standards of this Ordinance. The Technical Review Committee shall then submit its review comments in writing to the Plan Commission, or the designated official, where applicable. For Primary Plats, the applicant may make the recommended revisions to the plans before said plans are submitted to the Plan Commission at the primary public hearing, however, such revisions are considered voluntary. For Secondary Plats, if the Plan Commission, or designated official (where applicable), adopts the recommendations of the Technical Review Committee, all revisions must be made to the secondary plat before final approval is granted.
B. “Primary” Public Hearing. The Plan Commission shall hold the primary public hearing for a subdivision plat not less than ten (10) days following proper submittal by the applicant. After the Plan Commission has reviewed the primary plan, Technical Review Committee report, other agency reports, and heard testimony submitted at the public hearing, the Plan Commission shall then advise the applicant of its findings within forty-five (45) days of the hearing. If not approved within this time limit it is deemed automatically approved.
C. Written Finding of Facts - Primary Plat.
1. If “primary approval” of the plat is granted, then the Plan Commission shall:
a. render its findings and decision in writing on the Notice of Determination form and it shall be signed by the “Designated Official”.
b. it shall include any and all written commitments required for the primary plat and/or plat vacation, whichever is appropriate.
2. If approval is denied at primary hearing, then the Plan Commission shall:
a. State its finding in writing on the Notice of Determination form, citing the reasons for denial, and the findings must be signed by the “Designated Official”, and presented to the applicant.
3. If primary approval is denied, the applicant shall correct all deficiencies noted by the Plan Commission prior to re-submitting for primary approval.
D. Primary Approval Valid for Three Years:
1. “Primary approval” of a subdivision plat shall be valid for a minimum period of three (3) years from the date the primary application was filed. Upon expiration of said three (3)-year period the “Primary approval” shall be deemed null and void unless:
a. The Plan Commission has granted a time extension not to exceed two (2) years; or
b. The secondary plat application has been filed with the Plan Commission.
2. The Plan Commission shall not grant more than one (1) extension for “primary approval” (not to exceed two (2) years).
E. Period of Remonstrance. “Secondary” approval may be granted by the Plan Commission no sooner than fifteen (15) calendar days following official notice of primary approval. During such period, an applicant or other interested party may appeal to the Plan Commission the primary approval or disapproval of a plat or the imposition of a condition on primary approval. The primary approval or disapproval of a plat by the Plan Commission or the imposition of a condition on primary approval is a final decision of the Plan Commission that may be appealed to the Johnson County Circuit Court.
F. Prerequisites for Filing Secondary Application. Following primary approval by the Plan Commission, and prior to applying for secondary approval, the applicant shall complete the following requirements and obtain the following approvals, and submit same along with the secondary application:
1. Submit the take-off sheets for estimates for the financial guarantees for the public (and private when applicable) improvements.
2. Submit to the City Engineer the proposed dollar amounts for the financial guarantee for the required public improvements;
3. Satisfy any other conditions of primary approval as required by the Plan Commission.
4. Submit written documentation of the following, when applicable:
a. Utility encroachment approvals;
b. Johnson County Drainage Board approval and approval of the General (Preliminary) Drainage Plan by the City Engineer;
c. Other local, state, and federal approvals, including other City boards, commissions, or departments;
d. Outside reviews as required by the City.
G. Contents of Secondary Plat. The secondary plat shall show all items required for the primary plat, as listed in Sec. 10-06-24.
H. Contents of Final Development and Construction Plans. All final development and construction plans shall be submitted under the seal and signature of a qualified professional licensed in the state of Indiana. All sheets shall be 24" x 36" size drawn to scale at a minimum 1"=50' and a maximum 1"=10' with the exception of the maps on Sheet One, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Plans submitted for review shall observe the following format:
1. All sheets shall contain the following information:
a. The proposed name by which the project shall be legally and commonly known;
b. Date of survey, scale, and north point;
c. All lots or outlots intended for sale or lease shall be designated with boundary lines and numbered or labeled for identification purposes;
d. Private parks, common areas, or excluded parcels shall be designated as such and clearly labeled on the plans;
e. Such other information as may be deemed necessary for proper review of the primary plat by the administrator, City Engineer, or commission; and
f. All necessary reference points tying the subject property to the appropriate section corners.
g. Each sheet shall be sealed and signed by the professional preparing the drawings.
h. All sheets shall be tied to state plane coordinates for horizontal and vertical controls.
2. Sheet One (Title Sheet). The following information shall be submitted as part of Sheet One:
a. Full legal description with sufficient reference to section corners and boundary map of the subject project, including appropriate benchmark references;
b. Name of the Project;
c. Name and address of the owner, developer, and person who prepared the plans;
d. Total acreage within the project and the number of residential dwelling units or the gross square footage of non-residential buildings whichever is applicable;
e. Existing zoning of the subject land and all adjacent lands;
f. Boundary lines of adjacent tracts of land, showing owners of record;
g. A key or vicinity map at a scale of one inch (1") equals four hundred feet (400') or less, showing the boundaries of the proposed project and covering the general area within which it is to be located;
h. A statement of the proposed uses, stating the type and size of residential and non-residential buildings, and the type of business, commercial or industry, so as to reveal the effect of the project on traffic, fire hazards, or congestion of population;
i. Proposed covenants, restrictions, by-laws, or articles of incorporation affecting property owners and/or homeowners associations; and
j. Statement of proposed starting and completion dates for the project, including any proposed phasing and sequencing;
3. Sheet Two (Existing Site Conditions): Note that the Detailed (Final) Drainage Plan information must be incorporated onto this sheet. The following information shall be submitted as part of Sheet Two:
a. Location, widths, and type of construction of all existing streets, street names, alleys, or other public ways and easements, street classifications as per the Thoroughfare Plan, railroad and utility rights-of-way or easements, parks, wooded areas, trails, cemeteries, watercourses, drainage ditches, designated wetlands, low areas subject to flooding, permanent buildings, bridges, and the locations of all existing stormwater facilities. Storm drains, manholes and other structures shall be located by dimensions on the plans, in relation to surrounding physical features. Show the direction of flow, elevation of inverts, gradient, materials and size of existing storm drains. Other data may be added which is considered pertinent by the commission or the administrator for the subject land. Existing site conditions shall include all land within three hundred feet (300') of the proposed project.
b. Existing water mains, fire hydrants, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, culverts, bridges, and other utility structures or facilities within, adjacent to, or serving the subject land, including pipe sizes, grades, and exact locations, as can best be obtained from public or private records;
c. Existing contours based in U.S.G.S. datum with intervals of not more than five feet (5') where the slope is greater than ten percent (10%) and not more than two feet (2') where the slope is less than ten percent (10%). Off-site watershed boundary maps can be submitted at an appropriate contour interval sufficient to depict drainage areas and slopes. A benchmark, which is easily accessible and re-locatable, shall be shown. The benchmark shall be determined by use of NAVD 88 datum (vertical), and elevations shall be based on sea level datum; and
d. The water elevation at the date of the survey of lakes, streams, or designated wetlands within the project or affecting it, as well as the approximate high and low water elevation of such lakes, streams, or designated wetlands. The plan shall also show the contour line of the regulatory flood (100-year flood) elevation and the contour line for the floodway fringe boundary. All elevations shall be based on sea level datum;
4. Sheet Three (Proposed Site Conditions): Note that the Detailed (Final) Drainage Plan information must be incorporated onto this sheet. The following information shall be submitted as part of Sheet Three:
a. Location, widths, grades and type of construction of all existing and proposed streets, street names, alleys, or other public ways and easements, railroad and utility rights-of-way or easements, parks, wooded areas, trails, cemeteries, watercourses, drainage ditches, designated wetlands, low areas subject to flooding, permanent buildings, bridges, and other data considered pertinent by the commission or the administrator for the subject land, and within three hundred feet (300') of the proposed project;
b. Existing and proposed water mains, fire hydrants, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, culverts, bridges, and other utility structures or facilities within, adjacent to, or serving the subject land, including pipe sizes, grades, and exact locations, as can best be obtained from public or private records;
c. Building setback lines, showing dimensions;
d. Full description and details, including engineering calculations, for provision of stormwater drainage plans and facilities, including basin mapping. The standard for drainage detention is that the run-off rate of a one hundred (100)-year post-development event cannot exceed the rate for a ten (10-)year pre-development event;
e. Internal and perimeter sidewalk system/pedestrian circulation plan; and proposed contours with intervals of not more than five feet (5') where the slope is greater than ten percent (10%) and not more than two feet (2') where the slope is less than ten percent (10%). The plan shall also show the contour line for the floodway fringe boundary.
f. Show the location and detail plans for all trash dumpsters.
g. Street plans shall include proposed locations for street name signs, traffic regulatory signs, street lights, and traffic signals as deemed necessary by the City.
5. Sheet Four (Erosion Control Plan). The following information shall be submitted as part of Sheet Four:
a. Location, widths, and type of construction of all existing and proposed streets, street names, alleys, or other public ways and easements, railroad and utility rights-of-way or easements, parks, wooded areas, trails, cemeteries, watercourses, drainage ditches, designated wetlands, low areas subject to flooding, permanent buildings, bridges, and other data considered pertinent by the commission or the administrator for the subject land, and within three hundred feet (300') of the proposed project;
b. Proposed contours with intervals of not more than five feet (5') where the slope is greater than ten percent (10%) and not more than two feet (2') where the slope is less than ten percent (10%).
c. Details of terrain and area drainage, including the identity and location of watercourses, intermittent and perennial streams, receiving waters, and springs, and the total acreage of land that will be disturbed.
d. The direction of drainage flow and the approximate grade of all existing or proposed streets.
e. Detailed plans and locations of all surface and subsurface drainage devices, walls, dams, sediment basins, storage reservoirs, and other protective devices to be constructed with, or as part of, the proposed project, together with a map showing drainage area, the complete drainage network, including outfall lines and natural drainage ways which may be affected by the proposed development, and the estimated runoff of the area served by the drains.
f. A description of the methods to be employed in disposing of soil and other material that is removed from the grading site, including the location of the disposal site.
g. Measures for soil erosion and sediment control which must meet or exceed the methods and standards adopted by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources and/or set forth in the Indiana Handbook for Erosion Control in Developing Areas and which must comply with the design principles, performance standards, and requirements set forth in this chapter.
h. A schedule of the sequence of installation of planned erosion and sediment control measures as related to the progress of the project, including the total area of soil surface that is to be disturbed during each stage, the anticipated starting and completion dates, and a schedule for the maintenance of such measures.
i. Include the following notes on the sheet:
i. “All erosion control practices shall be in accordance with the IDNR “Indiana Handbook for Erosion Control in Developing Areas” dated October 1992, and its updates and amendments, as published by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, and the SCS “Field Office Technical Guide,” and its updates and amendments.
ii. “The City Engineer has the right to require additional erosion control measures in the field as conditions warrant.”
j. Copies of the letter of intent and response from the Johnson County Soil and Water Conservation District office for Rule 5 compliance, when required.
k. Any other information reasonably required by the commission or administrator to properly evaluate the plan.
6. Sheet Five (Landscape Plan). A landscape plan shall conform to the following requirements:
a. It is recommended that the landscape plan be prepared by a landscape architect, nurseryman, or other professional experienced in landscape design and the installation and care of plant materials. The name and address of the plan preparer shall be included on the plan;
b. All plans shall show the entire lot to scale;
c. Show the location and dimensions of all existing and proposed structures, parking lots and drives, roadways and right-of- way, sidewalks, bicycle paths, ground signs, refuse disposal areas, bicycle parking areas, freestanding electrical equipment, recreation facilities, utility lines and easements, freestanding structural features, and other landscape improvements, such as earth berms, walls, fences, screens, sculptures, fountains, street furniture, lights and courts or paved areas;
d. The location, quantity, size, and name - both botanical and common - of all proposed planting materials;
e. The location, size and common name of existing trees and individual shrubs, areas of dense trees or shrubs, and other natural features, indicating which are to be preserved and which are to be removed;
f. The approximate location and generic identification of existing structures and plant materials within the yard of adjoining properties;
g. Existing and proposed grading of the site, including proposed berming, indicating contours at no more than two (2)-foot intervals;
h. Specification of the type and boundaries of all proposed vegetative ground cover;
i. Design of fences and other significant accessory structures;
j. The location of barriers to be placed at or beyond the drip line of any trees to be preserved, and the type of material to be used for the barrier;
k. Planting and installation details as necessary to ensure conformance with all required standards;
l. Details indicating specific grading measures or other protective devices where trees are to be preserved in areas of cut and fill; and
m. A tabulation clearly displaying the relevant statistical information necessary for the Plan Commission to evaluate compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance.
7. Sheet Six (Plat-like dedication sheet, if necessary). The following information shall be submitted as part of Sheet Five if a plat-like dedication document for easements and rights-of-way is deemed necessary by the Plan Commission or its authorized designee:
a. Parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public use, or reserved for common use of all property owners within the project, with the proposed conditions and maintenance requirements, if any, shall be designated as such and clearly labeled on the plans;
b. Radii, internal angles, points of curvature; tangent bearings and lengths of all arcs, chord, and chord bearings; and
c. Accurate location of all survey monuments erected, corners and other points established in the field in their proper places.
8. Sheet Seven (Storm Plan and Profile). For all pipe, a storm drain plan and profile shall be submitted. The plan shall be shown on the upper portion of the drawing. The plan, generally, shall be drawn on a scale that is clear and legible and not greater than 1"=50'. The plan shall show appropriate right-of-way and easement limits. The profile shall be shown under the plan and shall extend a sufficient distance downstream of the outlet to allow any pertinent information concerning the outfall channel to be shown. All invert elevations and pipe slopes shall be listed. For each pipe, the length, size, material and class shall be annotated on the profile sheet near the dimension line. Detail title and/or number references shall be called out on the profile plan.
The storm drain and inlet profile shall generally be drawn on a scale of 1"=50' horizontal and 1"=5' vertical. Where a storm drain is located inside the limits of an existing or proposed pavement or shoulder, the centerline grade of the road shall be shown. Where a storm drain is located outside pavement or shoulder, the existing ground over the storm drain with proposed grading shall be shown. If the storm drain is to be constructed on fill, the profile of the undisturbed earth, at the storm drain location shall be shown. All utility locations at intersections with the storm drain shall be shown.
a. Size of pipe or channel cross-section.
b. Pipe or channel invert’s slope in percent.
c. Material and roughness coefficient.
d. Flowing velocities in feet per second.
e. Design capacity in cubic feet per second.
I. Standard Detail Sheets. Standard detail sheets as adopted by the Board of Public Works and Safety, shall be included as part of the submittal.
(Ord. 20-29, § 2, 9-21-20)