A. All development is required to have perimeter landscaping, open space, conservation, detention, retention, and/or drainage ways.
B. All development that electively has amenities in the development or on private streets shall designate those areas as common area on the Primary Plat, Land Alteration Permit, or within a Planned Unit Development District.
C. Where a common area is designated in a Planned Unit Development, a plat, or a Development Plan, an owner’s association shall be formed and shall be required to provide necessary maintenance to said common areas. Neighborhood signage shall be located within land controlled by the owner’s association.
D. The following features shall not count toward the minimum open space requirement, unless they are preserved as conservation areas:
1. The floodway of any stream, regulated drain, river or other water body;
2. The one hundred (100)-year floodplain of any stream, regulated drain, river or other water body;
3. Any area with slopes exceeding a twenty-five percent (25%) grade;
4. Any wetlands on the development site.
(Ord. 20-29, § 2, 9-21-20)