Sec. 10-03-07. Outdoor Lighting.
   A.   Photometric Plan Review. A photometric plan showing compliance with these standards shall be submitted along with all final site plans. The photometric plan may be incorporated into the site plan if all photometric plan components are included. The lighting plan shall include all of the following:
      1.   All structure(s), parking spaces, building entrances, traffic areas (both vehicular and pedestrian);
      2.   Vegetation that might interfere with lighting;
      3.   Adjacent uses that might be adversely impacted by the lighting;
      4.   All exterior lighting, including but not limited to, architectural, building-entrance, landscaping, flag, accent, etc.); and
      5.   A layout of all proposed fixtures by location, orientation, aiming direction, mounting height and type.
   B.   Exempt Exterior Lighting. The following exterior lighting is exempt from the requirements of this section:
      1.   FAA-mandated lighting associated with a utility tower or airport;
      2.   Lighting for the United States flag, State flag, a County or City flag, a corporate flag, or any other flag;
      3.   Holiday lighting during the months of November, December, and January, provided the lighting does not create unsafe glare on street rights-of-way;
      4.   Battery-powered emergency lighting;
      5.   Architectural lighting of 450 lumens or less;
      6.   Public safety lighting;
      7.   Street lighting in the public right-of-way, though every attempt shall be made to select glare free fixtures and use shields and other devices to direct lighting downward; and
      8.   Residential garage, porch, and architectural and landscape accent lighting.
   C.   Light Level Measuring.
      1.   Light levels are specified, calculated and measured in foot-candles. All foot-candles values are maintained foot-candles.
      2.   Measurements are to be made at ground level, with the light-registering portion of the meter held parallel to the ground pointing up.
   D.   Design and Installation Requirements.
      1.   All light fixtures shall meet the following requirements:
         a.   Except in the OT District, the maximum light level of any light fixture cannot exceed 0.5 foot-candles measured at the property line of any residential zone or district containing a residential use, 2.0 foot-candles measured at the property line of any non-residential zone or district non-containing a residential use, and 2.5 foot-candles at the property line of a parking lot.
         b.   Lighting must not be oriented to direct glare or excessive illumination onto adjacent properties, streets or sidewalks.
         c.   All lighting fixtures and poles within a single development shall be consistent in style, color, size, height, and design and are compatible with the architecture character of the development. Service connections for all freestanding lighting fixtures must be installed underground.
         d.   All lighting fixtures, except sports field lighting and decorative architectural lighting shall be full 90-degree cutoff fixtures. Decorative architectural lighting from commercial and industrial properties shall not be permitted on facades facing an adjacent residential use.
   E.   Parking and Pedestrian Areas.
      1.   Light fixtures within parking and vehicular areas may be no higher than thirty feet (30').
      2.   Light fixtures along pedestrian paths and sidewalks may be no higher than fifteen feet (15').
      3.   Light fixture located within three hundred feet (300') of a property line of a residential zone or district containing a residential use may be no higher than fifteen feet (15').
      4.   Light fixtures in parking and vehicular display areas must be full cutoff.
      5.   Parking lot, site, and building lighting shall not be located within fifty feet (50') of a residential zone or use, except in the OT zone.
      6.   Light sources internal to parking garages must include 90-degree cutoffs or recessed fixtures. Rooftop lighting for parking structures shall be no more than fifteen feet (15') above the rooftop parking surface and shall be mounted a minimum of fifteen feet (15') in from the edge of the structure.
      7.   In all other areas, light fixtures with more than two thousand (2,000) lumens must be full cutoff unless they meet the following:
         a.   Decorative, non-cutoff fixtures can be used when the maximum initial lumens generated by each fixture does not exceed nine thousand, five hundred (9,500) lumens;
         b.   If the unshielded fixture has all metal halide, fluorescent, induction, white high-pressure sodium and color-corrected high-pressure sodium lamps, the outer lamp envelope must be coated with an internal white frosting to diffuse light;
         c.   All metal halide fixtures equipped with a medium base socket must use either an internal refractive lens or a wide-body refractive globe; or
         d.   All non-cutoff fixture open-bottom lights must have equipped with full cutoff fixture shields.
   F.   Flood Lights and Flood Lamps.
      1.   Flood lights are only permitted on residential properties and must not be directed toward adjacent properties or rights-of-way.
   G.   Canopy Lighting. Lighting under canopies must be designed to prevent glare off-site. Acceptable lighting designs include the following:
      1.   Recessed fixture incorporating a lens cover that is either recessed or flush with the bottom of the surface canopy;
      2.   Lighting fixture incorporating shields or is shielded by the edge of the canopy itself;
      3.   Surface mounted fixture incorporating a flat glass that provides a cutoff design or shielded light distribution;
      4.   Surface mounted fixture measuring no more than two feet (2') by two feet (2'), with a lens cover that contains at least two percent (2%) white fill diffusion material; or
      5.   Indirect lighting where light is beamed upward and then reflected down from the underside of the canopy, provided the fixture is shielded so that direct illumination is focused exclusively on the underside of the canopy.
   H.   Sports and Performance Venues. Lighting of outdoor sports areas, athletic fields, and performance areas shall comply with the following standards:
      1.   Sport field lights shall not exceed one hundred feet (100') in height.
      2.   All lighting fixtures shall be equipped with an existing glare control package (e.g., louvers, shields, or similar devices) and aimed so that their beams are directed and fall within the primary playing or performance area.
      3.   The hours of operation for the lighting system for any game or event shall not continue more than one (1) hour after the end of the game or event.
   I.   Building and Security Lighting.
      1.   Lighting fixtures shall be selected, located, aimed and shielded so that direct illumination is focused exclusively on the building facade, plantings and other intended site features and away from adjoining properties and the street right-of-way.
      2.   All wall pack fixtures must be full cutoff fixtures.
      3.   Only lighting used to accent architectural features, landscaping, or art may be directed upward, if the fixture is located, aimed or shielded to avoid light spill into the night sky.
   J.   Pedestrian Lighting.
      1.   The primary building frontage for all single/two-story, multi-tenant commercial buildings and big box tenant spaces shall feature pedestrian-scaled lighting. Lights shall be provided at the primary sidewalk connection. Parking lot lighting not exceeding twelve feet (12') in height may be utilized in lieu of separate fixtures.
      2.   Decorative light fixtures shall be provided along entrance drives, public rights-of-way, buildings, and pedestrian pathways. Natural areas or conservation areas are exempt from this requirement.
(Ord. 20-29, § 2, 9-21-20)