A. Step One: Locate your property and applicable district or zone on the Official Zoning Map.
B. Step Two: Locate the applicable district or zone regulations in Division II below.
C. Step Three: Determine the use, building placement, parking, landscaping and signage regulations in the applicable district or zone in Division II below.
D. Step Four: Determine if any generally applicable regulations apply in Division III.
E. Step Five: Determine if any nonconformities exist and how to address them in Division V.
F. Step Six: Determine if any approvals are necessary and how to apply for them in Division IV.
G. Step Seven: Determine if any subdivision is necessary and how to address it in Division VI.
H. Step Eight: Reference the Glossary for use and general terms in Division VII.
(Ord. 20-29, § 2, 9-21-20)