Sec. 10-01-07. Planned Unit Development (PUD).
Planned Unit Developments are intended to promote the development of unique products across residential, commercial, and industrial uses. PUDs are not to be utilized to circumvent the standards of this Ordinance.
PUD ordinances shall meet the following minimum requirements:
   A.   Minimum area.
      1.   Residential: fifteen (15) acres
      2.   Commercial and Mixed Use: twenty (20) acres
      3.   Industrial: thirty (30) acres
Division III, Section 10-03-05 through Sec. 10-03-07, and Sec. 10-03-13 of this Division may not be reduced through the PUD process.
All PUDs existing at the adoption of this Division shall be maintained until otherwise rezoned. These PUDs may continue to function under the established PUD Ordinance previously adopted and specific to that development. Any project within the same geographic boundaries of the existing PUD may be redeveloped under the same provisions that were previously adopted. A property owner, at the approval of the Planning Director, may instead select to designate the existing PUD into applicable districts or zones that most closely relate to the existing uses and building form.
(Ord. 20-29, § 2, 9-21-20)