The review and approval processes as set forth in this chapter may be performed by City staff members or private consultants or a combination of both, as jointly determined by the Plan Commission and the Board of Public Works and Safety (“BPWS”). Applicants shall follow rules of procedure adopted by the Plan Commission and the BPWS. The procedures are outlined as follows:
A. Primary Plat - Plan Commission.
1. Required Pre-filing Consultations:
a. Planning Director;
b. City Engineer;
c. Fire Department; and
d. Stormwater Board;
2. File application, primary plat plans (including preliminary drainage plans and calculations) and supporting documents per published schedule deadline, both digitally and on paper (the Planning Division reserves the right not to docket incomplete submittals);
3. Outside consultant review;
4. Technical Review Committee meeting;
5. Sanitation clearance letter;
6. Johnson County Drainage Board (if applicable);
7. Miscellaneous agency approvals/notifications; and
8. Plan Commission public hearing - Primary Determination. Plan Commission’s Primary Determination of Approval is required prior to filing secondary application. Indiana Code requires a minimum ten (10)-day period between primary and secondary approvals. Submission deadlines shall be pursuant to Plan Commission Rules of Procedure.
B. Secondary Plat - Plan Commission.
1. File application, secondary plat plans (including final drainage plans and calculations) and supporting documents per published schedule deadline, both digitally and on paper (the Planning Division reserves the right not to docket incomplete submittals);
2. Outside consultant review;
3. Technical Review Committee meeting (street names shall be submitted for review and approval before this meeting occurs);
4. Sanitary Sewer - outside consultant review, if applicable;
5. Submit six copies of final revised secondary plat and development plans to Plan Commission office; and
6. Plan Commission or Designated Official - Secondary Determination.
C. Secondary Plat - Board of Public Works and Safety.
1. File documents with City Engineer
a. Secondary Plat with rights-of-ways, easements, covenants;
b. Performance Guarantees;
c. Off-site easements if applicable;
d. Inspection/Testing agreement(s).
2. Acceptance of performance guarantees and inspection/testing agreements by Board of Public Works and Safety or its designee. Posting of performance guarantee for erosion control shall be mandatory prior to issuance of a land alteration permit.
D. Land Alteration Permit - Plan Commission.
1. Submit one copy of inspection/testing agreement(s) executed with Board of Public Works and Safety.
2. Land Alteration permit - authorization to commence work, per the process set forth in this Ordinance. A copy of the Land Alteration Permit and stamped approved final plans shall be kept on site during the course of construction.
E. Installation and Acceptance of Improvements - Board of Public Works and Safety. The developer shall install the associated infrastructure improvements (public and private) and gain the City’s acceptance before recording the Secondary Plat for a single- family or two-family residential subdivision. For commercial or industrial subdivisions the developer shall have the option of posting performance guarantees with the Board of Public Works and Safety and recording the Secondary Plat prior to the installation of the associated infrastructure improvements.
1. Install infrastructure improvements.
2. Inspection of improvements as required by the Ordinance.
3. Prepare and submit Record Drawings of improvements.
4. Post maintenance guarantees and submit original final plat.
5. Board of Public Works and Safety acceptance of improvements, release of performance guarantees, and acceptance of maintenance guarantees.
6. Board of Public Works and Safety signatures on recordable plat and acceptance of other easements and dedications.
F. Plan Commission Designated Official - Plat Recording and Submittal.
1. Submit plat with Board of Public Works and Safety members’ signatures to the Designated Official for final signatures.
2. Record secondary plat.
3. Submit one (1) electronic copy and one (1) reproducible, legible, recorded secondary plat to the Community Development Services, Planning Division Office.
4. Eligible for building permit application.
G. Re-subdivision of Multi-family, Industrial and Commercial Plats.
1. Land zoned for multi-family, industrial, or commercial use may initially be platted into blocks, with the understanding that these blocks may eventually be re-subdivided into lots, and recorded, without completing a new primary plat. If, in the opinion of the Plan Commission, there are indications that such future re-subdivision will occur, including the presence of parcels containing more than one (1) acre of land, the Plan Commission may require that the initial plat allow for the future opening of streets and the ultimate extension of adjacent streets. Easements or right-of-ways providing for the future opening and extension of such streets may be made a requirement of the plat.
(Ord. 20-29, § 2, 9-21-20)