Planning Commission
33.001 Planning Commission
33.002 Statutory authority
33.003 Powers and duties
33.004 Procedures
Library Fund
33.017 Library fund
Historical Commission
33.030 Membership
33.031 Officers; compensation
33.032 Duties
Parks and Recreation Commission
33.045 Membership; term; compensation
33.046 Duties
33.047 Meetings
33.048 Acquisition of property
Housing Commission
33.075 Establishment; membership
33.076 Powers and duties
33.077 Officers; procedure
33.078 Funding and reimbursement
Board of Tax Review
33.105 Board of Review; relief of payments
33.106 Membership; terms
33.107 Compensation
33.108 Appeals
Human Relations Commission
33.120 Purpose
33.121 Organization; membership
33.122 Powers
Commission on Aging
33.135 Establishment; purpose
33.136 Definitions
33.137 Membership; terms; compensation
33.138 Organization
33.139 Powers and duties
Elected Officials' Compensation Commission
33.150 Establishment; membership
33.151 Duties
33.152 Meetings
Downtown Development Authority
33.165 Creation; purpose
33.166 Definitions
33.167 Board of Trustees
33.168 Powers of Authority
33.169 Director; bond
33.170 Fiscal year; budget
33.171 Downtown district
33.172 Council determination
33.173 Approval; amendments
Entertainment and Arts Commission
33.185 Establishment; purpose
33.186 Definitions
33.187 Membership; terms; compensation
33.188 Powers and duties
Garden City Citizen Hall of Fame Commission
33.205 Establishment; purpose
33.225 Commission composition; terms; compensation; organizational meeting
33.235 Powers and duties
33.245 Reports
33.255 Budgeting and financial accounting
33.265 Meetings, minutes, and documents
Board of Ethics
33.300 Created; purpose
33.301 Definitions
33.302 Membership; quorum; confidentiality
33.303 Member recusal
33.304 Meeting procedures
33.305 Powers
33.306 Confidentiality
33.307 Prohibited conduct
33.308 Citizen requests and process
33.309 Due process
33.310 Written advisory opinions and penalties
33.311 Miscellaneous provisions
Statutory reference:
Authority to create a civil service commission for fire and police department, see M.C.L.A. §§ 38.501 et seq.
Recreating, appointing, promotion, and other aspects of police and fire personnel policies, see Public Act 78 of 1955, being M.C.L.A. §§ 38.501 et seq.
Firefighters and police officers, see Chapter 31
Retirement System Board of Trustees, see Charter, Sec. 7.06
An ordinance to confirm the establishment under the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, P.A. 33 of 2008, as amended of the Garden City Planning Commission.
(A) The Mayor shall appoint seven members and may appoint up to nine members to the Planning Commission, subject to the approval of the City Council or as otherwise provided by state law. The members’ terms of office shall be three years, or until their successors take office, except that the respective terms of two of the members shall be for one year, and one for two years.
(‘83 Code, § 33.001)
(B) Members of the Planning Commission may, after public hearing, be removed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the City Council or as otherwise provided by state law, for misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance in office.
(‘83 Code, § 33.002)
(C) Vacancies in the Planning Commission shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments.
(‘83 Code, § 33.003)
(Ord. 75-009, passed 12-22-75; Am. Ord. 11-009, passed 7-25-11)
The Planning Commission is hereby established with the powers, duties, and limitations provided by the State Acts, the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, P.A. 33 of 2008, as amended and the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, P.A. 110 of 2006, as amended.
(‘83 Code, § 33.006) (Am. Ord. 11-009, passed 7-25-11)