For the purpose of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply, unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CHAIRPERSON. The Chairperson of the Entertainment and Arts Commission.
COMMISSION. The Entertainment and Arts Commission of the city.
SECRETARY. The Secretary of the Entertainment and Arts Commission.
(‘83 Code, § 33.126) (Ord. 88-017, passed 5-16-88)
(A) The Entertainment and Arts Commission shall consist of seven members appointed by the Mayor, subject to Council approval. Members of the Commission may be removed for cause by the Mayor subject to the approval of the City Council. (‘83 Code, § 33.127)
(B) The members of the Entertainment and Arts Commission shall serve without compensation, except that they may be reimbursed for actual expenses by resolution of the City Council. The members of the Commission shall be appointed for terms of three years each; however, of the first members appointed, three shall be appointed for terms of one year each, two for a term of two years each, and two for a term of three years each. Any vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term. (‘83 Code, § 33.128)
(C) The Entertainment and Arts Commission members shall, immediately after their appointment, meet and organize by electing one of their members as Chairperson and one as Secretary, and by electing such other officers as they may deem necessary. The Commission shall meet not less than once each calendar quarter for the transaction of its business. (‘83 Code, § 33.129)
(Ord. 88-017, passed 5-16-88)
(A) General. The powers and duties of the Entertainment and Arts Commission, which shall be exercised and performed as herein provided and in conformity with the Charter and the general ordinances of the city, shall be as follows.
(1) To confer with and advise the Mayor and Council on programs of a creative nature and which are of cultural significance to the city.
(2) To recommend to the Council possible creation of rewarding cultural and creative programs after assessing the current options and opportunities for such programs.
(3) To seek out state, federal and county resources, as well as other funding sources for a variety of creative and cultural activities.
(4) To assist other civic organizations in the promotion of cultural activities and events and to serve as a forum for the representation of potential entertainment and cultural concepts and programs of such organizations.
(5) To assess the needs of the community for cultural activities other than those currently available and to recommend strategies to Council in order to meet those needs.
(6) To perform any other duties as suggested or approved by the City Council.
(‘83 Code, § 33.130)
(B) Reports. The Entertainment and Arts Commission shall make an annual report to the Mayor and the City Council, setting forth the character and extent of the Commission's recommendations. Other reports may be submitted at any time to the Council. (‘83 Code, § 33.131)
(C) Rules and regulations. The Entertainment and Arts Commission shall make such rules and regulations as are necessary to carry out the Commission's business. (‘83 Code, § 33.132)
(Ord. 88-017, passed 5-16-88)
The Garden City Citizen Hall of Fame Commission is hereby established, whose purpose shall be to establish and maintain a permanent citizen hall of fame display at a location or facility to be approved by the City Council to honor, praise, and recognize those citizens of the city that have performed great deeds for the betterment and well-being of the city and its residents; to encourage citizen volunteerism; to build a sense of community between generations; and to preserve and record valuable stories, details, and events of the city’s history for all generations of city residents.
(Ord. 10-017, passed 10-25-10)
(A) The Garden City Citizen Hall of Fame Commission shall consist of seven citizens and one City Council liaison appointed by the Mayor with confirmation by the City Council. Members of the Commission may be removed for cause by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The City Council liaison may participate in discussion on matters coming before the Commission but shall have no voting privileges.
(B) The members of the Garden City Citizen Hall of Fame Commission shall serve without compensation, except that they may be reimbursed for actual expenses by resolution of the City Council. The members of the Commission shall be appointed for terms of four years each; however, of the first members appointed, four members shall be appointed for terms of four years each and three members shall be appointed for terms of two years each. Any vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term.
(C) The Garden City Citizen Hall of Fame Commission members shall, immediately after their appointment, meet and organize by electing one of their members as Chairperson and one as Secretary and by electing such other officers as they may deem necessary. The Commission shall meet not less than once each calendar quarter for the transaction of its business. The Chairperson of the Commission shall provide a report to the City Council on the progress of the Commission not later than 120 days after the Commission’s first meeting.
(Ord. 10-017, passed 10-25-10)
The powers and duties of the Garden City Citizen Hall of Fame Commission, which shall be exercised and performed as herein provided and in conformity with the Charter and the general ordinances of the city, shall be as follows:
(A) To confer with, and advise, the City Council on programs and activities supporting the honor, praise, and recognition of citizens of the city that have performed great deeds for the betterment and well-being of the city and its residents; encouraging citizen volunteerism; building a sense of community between generations; and preserving and recording valuable stories, details, and events of the city’s history for all generations of the city.
(B) To recommend to the City Council for approval the design, construction, location, operation, maintenance, disposition, and methods of funding a Citizen Hall of Fame display.
(C) To seek county, state, and federal resources, as well as other funding sources, for the establishment of the Citizen Hall of Fame display and programs.
(D) To coordinate with, and assist, other civic organizations in the promotion of programs and activities to carry out the purpose and duties of the Commission.
(E) To establish Commission bylaws and rules of procedure for the conduct of its business.
(F) To establish policies and procedures for the nomination, qualification, and election of citizens to the Garden City Citizen Hall of Fame.
(G) To make such rules and regulations as are necessary to carry out the Commission’s business to the extent that such rules and regulations are consistent with law and the rules, regulations and policies of the city.
(H) To perform any other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the City Council.
(Ord. 10-017, passed 10-25-10)
The Garden City Citizen Hall of Fame Commission shall make an annual report to the City Council setting forth the character and extent of the Commission’s activities and accomplishments for the prior year. Other reports may be submitted from time to time as required by the City Council or by the Commission’s own initiative.
(Ord. 10-017, passed 10-25-10)