   (A)   The Planning Commission shall make careful and comprehensive surveys and studies of present conditions and future growth of the city with due regard to its relation to neighboring territory, designed for the construction of a master plan for physical development of the city. The plan shall be made with the general purpose of guiding and accomplishing a coordinated, adjusted, and harmonious development of the city and its environs which will, in accordance with present and future needs, best promote health, safety, morals, order, convenience, prosperity, and the general welfare, as well as efficiency and economy in the process of development, including, among other things, adequate provision for traffic, the promotion of safety from fire and other dangers, adequate provision for light and air, the promotion of healthful and convenient distribution of population, the promotion of good civic design and arrangement, wise and efficient expenditure of public funds, and the adequate provision of public utilities and other public requirements.
(‘83 Code, § 33.004)
   (B)   The Planning Commission shall make an annual written report to City Council concerning its operations and the status of planning activities, including recommendations regarding actions related to planning and development.
   (C)   The Planning Commission shall further review and make recommendations as assigned by the Zoning Ordinance and the State Planning and Zoning Enabling Acts, P.A. 33 of 2008, as amended and P.A. 110 of 2006, as amended.
(Ord. 11-009, passed 7-25-11)
§ 33.004 PROCEDURES.
   (A)   The Planning Commission shall elect its Chairperson from among its membership and shall create and fill such other of its offices as it may determine. The term of Chairperson shall be one year, with eligibility for reelection.
   (B)   The Planning Commission shall hold at least four regular meetings each year as required by P.A. 33 of 2008, as amended.
   (C)   The Planning Commission shall adopt rules (by-laws) in compliance with the state act for transaction of business and shall keep a record of its resolutions, transactions, findings, and determinations, which shall be public records.
   (D)   The City Clerk shall be the recording secretary of the Commission. The Clerk may designate a deputy clerk from his office to act in his behalf.
(‘83 Code, § 33.005) (Am. Ord. 11-009, passed 7-25-11)
§ 33.017 LIBRARY FUND.
   A library fund is established pursuant to Public Act 164 of 1877, as amended, being M.C.L.A. 397.201 et seq. All monies received for the Public Library shall be deposited to the credit of the library fund, kept separate and apart from other monies of the city, and drawn upon by the proper officers of the city.
(‘83 Code, § 33.013) (Ord. 75-011, passed 12-22-75; Am. Ord. 82-006, passed 1-18-82)
§ 33.030 MEMBERSHIP.
   The City Historical Commission is continued. The Commission shall consist of seven members, to be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council for terms of three years each, and/or until their successors are appointed and qualified. All members thereof shall be residents of the city, and all shall commence on April 1 of the year of appointment.
(‘83 Code, § 33.020) (Ord. 74-001, passed 3-25-74)
   (A)   The Commission shall annually elect a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, and a Secretary from among their number, and they shall adopt by-laws and establish rules of their procedure and provide for a date of an annual organizational meeting in January of each year. (‘83 Code, § 33.022)
   (B)   Members of the Historical Commission shall act without compensation, except that they may be reimbursed for actual expenses by resolution of the City Council. (‘83 Code, § 33.021)
§ 33.032 DUTIES.
   It shall be the duty of the Historical Commission, within the means of allotted funds provided by the City Council, to acquire ownership or control of landmarks of the city, historical documents pertaining to matters of natural history and local events, or any other matter which appears to the Commission to be of sufficient interest or value for preservation by the city. The Commission shall compile a history of the origin and growth of the city and the territory where it is located, keep it currently up to date, and file a copy thereof with the city library.
(‘83 Code, § 33.023)