§ 33.030 MEMBERSHIP.
   The City Historical Commission is continued. The Commission shall consist of seven members, to be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council for terms of three years each, and/or until their successors are appointed and qualified. All members thereof shall be residents of the city, and all shall commence on April 1 of the year of appointment.
(‘83 Code, § 33.020) (Ord. 74-001, passed 3-25-74)
   (A)   The Commission shall annually elect a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, and a Secretary from among their number, and they shall adopt by-laws and establish rules of their procedure and provide for a date of an annual organizational meeting in January of each year. (‘83 Code, § 33.022)
   (B)   Members of the Historical Commission shall act without compensation, except that they may be reimbursed for actual expenses by resolution of the City Council. (‘83 Code, § 33.021)
§ 33.032 DUTIES.
   It shall be the duty of the Historical Commission, within the means of allotted funds provided by the City Council, to acquire ownership or control of landmarks of the city, historical documents pertaining to matters of natural history and local events, or any other matter which appears to the Commission to be of sufficient interest or value for preservation by the city. The Commission shall compile a history of the origin and growth of the city and the territory where it is located, keep it currently up to date, and file a copy thereof with the city library.
(‘83 Code, § 33.023)
   (A)   The Parks and Recreation Commission for the city is continued. (‘83 Code, § 33.025)
   (B)   The Commission shall consist of nine electors of the city, who shall be qualified by experience and shall have evidenced interest in the development of parks and recreation services for public use. The Commissioners shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the City Council or as otherwise provided by state law, for a term of three years, with vacancies occurring each year, except that for the first appointment, three members shall be appointed for three years, three members for two years, three members for one year. (‘83 Code, § 33.026)
   (C)   Members of the Parks and Recreation Commission shall act without compensation, except they may be reimbursed for actual expenses by resolution of the City Council.
(Ord. 75-008, passed 12-22-75)
§ 33.046 DUTIES.
   It shall be the duty of the Commission to advise the Director of Parks and Recreation as to reasonable needs of recreational facilities and activities in which the city may properly participate.
(‘83 Code, § 33.027)
   Parks and Recreation, see Ch. 93 
   Department of Parks and Recreation, see Charter, Sec. 4.07
§ 33.047 MEETINGS.
   The Commission shall have the power to adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of business within its jurisdiction, and shall keep a record of all its proceedings. Five members shall constitute a quorum. A vacancy in the Commission shall occur when any member shall fail to be present at four consecutive regular meetings, or 25% of the meetings in any fiscal year, unless such absence shall be excused by the Commission and the reason therefor entered in the proceedings.
(‘83 Code, § 33.028)
   The city shall have the power to acquire by purchase, gift, bequest, or otherwise, and to improve, protect, and equip real property for the benefit of the people of the city, and to organize park and recreational activities using such properties and/or other public or private properties by consent of the owners or directors.
(‘83 Code, § 33.029)