(A)   If a City of Garden City citizen or a person who conducts regular business in Garden City, believes that a person subject to this subchapter may have violated its provisions, they may request an advisory opinion from the Board of Ethics.
   (B)   The process is to forward a request to the City Clerk's Office through the online portal on the city's website, or by way of postal mail. The request must be from a person, or an entity (naming a contact person), and include verifiable information about the requester including name, address, phone number, and email address. Anonymous requests will not be considered. A request must be based on alleged unethical conduct that has occurred as stated in § 33.308. The Board of Ethics will not consider requests that are not supported by eyewitnesses, direct knowledge, or competent circumstantial evidence.
   (C)   The Board of Ethics Executive Committee will first review the complaint to determine whether such complaint presents enough evidence to submit to the entire Board of Ethics for consideration. If a majority of the Executive Committee determines that the complaint presents sufficient evidence, then the complaint shall be reviewed by the Board of Ethics. Upon review by the full Ethics Board, upon majority vote of the Board, the Board may either:
      (1)   Summarily dispose of the matter if the request fails to state a violation of this subchapter;
      (2)   Complete a basic or detailed investigation and issue an advisory opinion to the City Council, in compliance with § 33.308.
      (3)    Refer the matter to the appropriate law enforcement agency, that an intentional violation of a law beyond this subchapter may have been committed and request an investigation for further information.
(Ord. 24-003, passed 5-20-24)