General Provisions
   155.104   Introductory Provisions
      155.104.010   Title
      155.104.020   Effective date
      155.104.030   Authority
      155.104.040   Purpose of the Zoning Code
      155.104.050   Relationship to the General Plan
      155.104.060   Applicability and jurisdiction
      155.104.070   Relationship to the Local Coastal Program
      155.104.080   Numbering and referencing
      155.104.090   Conflicting provisions
      155.104.100   Transitional provisions
      155.104.110   Severability
   155.108   Interpretation
      155.108.010   Purpose
      155.108.020   Authority
      155.108.030   Official interpretations
      155.108.040   Rules of interpretation
      155.108.050   Land use regulations
      155.108.060   Zoning map
   155.112   Rules of Measurement
      155.112.010   Purpose
      155.112.020   Lot area
      155.112.030   Density
      155.112.040   Setbacks
      155.112.050   Floor area and floor area ratio
      155.112.060   Site coverage
      155.112.070   Height
      155.112.080   Distances
      155.112.090   Slope
   155.116   Zoning Districts and Maps
      155.116.010   Purpose
      155.116.020   Zoning districts
      155.116.030   Zoning maps
      155.116.040   Zoning map amendments
Zoning District Standards
   155.204   Residential Zoning Districts
      155.204.010   Purpose of residential zoning districts
      155.204.020   Allowed land uses
      155.204.030   Development standards
   155.208   Mixed-Use Zoning Districts
      155.208.010   Purpose of mixed-use zoning districts
      155.208.020   Allowed land uses
      155.208.030   Development standards
      155.208.040   Pedestrian-focused frontages
   155.212   Industrial Zoning Districts
      155.212.010   Purpose of industrial zoning districts
      155.212.020   Allowed land uses
      155.212.030   Residential and office uses in industrial zoning districts
      155.212.040   Development standards
   155.216   Public Zoning Districts
      155.216.010   Purpose of public zoning districts
      155.216.020   Allowed land uses
      155.216.030   Development standards
   155.220   Resource-Related Zoning Districts
      155.220.010   Purpose of resource-related zoning districts
      155.220.020   Allowed land uses
      155.220.030   Development standards
   155.224   Overlay Zones
      155.224.010   Purpose of overlay zones
      155.224.020   Qualified overlay
      155.224.030   Neighborhood market overlay
      155.224.040   Special considerations overlay
Citywide Standards
   155.304   Supplemental Use Regulations
      155.304.010   Purpose
      155.304.020   Accessory uses
      155.304.030   Adult entertainment
      155.304.040   Car share facilities
      155.304.050   Emergency shelters
      155.304.060   Family day care homes
      155.304.070   Home occupations
      155.304.080   Manufactured housing
      155.304.090   Mobile vendors
      155.304.100   Multi-family laundry facilities
      155.304.110   Outdoor storage
      155.304.120   Recreational vehicle parks
      155.304.130   Tiny house on wheels
      155.304.140   Tree removal
      155.304.150   Vacation rental
   155.308   General Standards
      155.308.010   Lot standards
      155.308.020   Height exceptions
      155.308.030   Setback exceptions
      155.308.040   Vision clearance area
      155.308.050   Outdoor lighting
      155.308.060   Screening for residential zoning districts
      155.308.070   Solid waste/recyclable material storage
   155.312   Design Standards
      155.312.010   Purpose
      155.312.020   Applicability
      155.312.030   Exterior materials
      155.312.040   Building entries
      155.312.050   Architectural features
      155.312.060   Blank walls
      155.312.070   Garage doors in residential zoning districts
      155.312.080   Mechanical equipment
   155.316   Accessory Dwelling Units
      155.316.010   Purpose
      155.316.020   Permits required
      155.316.030   Where allowed
      155.316.040   Number of accessory dwelling units
      155.316.050   Accessory dwelling units as short-term rentals
      155.316.060   Site and design standards
      155.316.070   Interpretation
   155.320   Fences and Walls
      155.320.010   Purpose and applicability
      155.320.020   Required permits and approvals
      155.320.030   Measurement of fence and wall height
      155.320.040   Maximum height
      155.320.050   Materials
      155.320.060   Non-conforming fences and walls
   155.324   Parking
      155.324.010   Purpose
      155.324.020   Applicability
      155.324.030   Number of on-site parking spaces required
      155.324.040   Reductions and alternatives to automobile parking
      155.324.050   General requirements
      155.324.060   Parking design and development standards
      155.324.070   Bicycle parking
      155.324.080   Parking lot landscaping
   155.328   Landscaping
      155.328.010   Purpose
      155.328.020   Applicability
      155.328.030   Landscape plans
      155.328.040   Required landscape areas
      155.328.050   General landscape requirements
      155.328.060   Water Efficiency in Landscaping Ordinance (WELO)
      155.328.070   Maintenance and enforcement
   155.332   Residential Subdivision Alternatives
      155.332.010   Purpose
      155.332.020   Small lot subdivisions
      155.332.030   Urban lot split subdivisions
      155.332.040   Conservation subdivisions
   155.336   Temporary Uses and Structures
      155.336.010   Purpose
      155.336.020   Applicability and permit requirements
      155.336.030   General standards
      155.336.040   Temporary uses and structures allowed by- right
      155.336.050   Temporary uses and structures allowed with a zoning clearance
   155.340   Signs
      155.340.010   Purpose
      155.340.020   Applicability
      155.340.030   Signs allowed without permits
      155.340.040   Prohibited signs
      155.340.050   Rules of measurement
      155.340.060   Sign permits
      155.340.070   Sign standards
      155.340.080   General requirements
      155.340.090   Temporary signs
   155.344   Density Bonus
      155.344.010   Purpose
      155.344.020   Definitions
      155.344.030   Applicability
      155.344.040   Application requirements
      155.344.050   Bonus and incentive calculation
      155.344.060   Review authority
      155.344.070   Findings for approval
      155.344.080   Interpretation
Administrative Responsibilities
   155.404   Administration
      155.404.010   Purpose
      155.404.020   Review and decision-making authority
      155.404.030   Development Services Department
      155.404.040   Development Services Director
      155.404.050   Planning Commission
      155.404.060   Design Review Committee
      155.404.070   Historic Preservation Commission
      155.404.080   City Council
   155.408   Permit Procedures
      155.408.010   Purpose and applicability
      155.408.020   Application preparation and filing
      155.408.030   Application fees
      155.408.040   Application review
      155.408.050   Multiple permit applications
      155.408.060   Environmental review
      155.408.070   Applications deemed withdrawn
      155.408.080   Notice of public hearing
      155.408.090   Notice of pending action
      155.408.100   Public hearings
      155.408.110   Conditions of approval
   155.412   Specific Permits and Approvals
      155.412.010   Purpose
      155.412.020   Review authority; appeals
      155.412.030   Administrative adjustments
      155.412.040   Design review
      155.412.050   Home occupation approvals
      155.412.060   Infill incentive permits
      155.412.070   Minor modifications
      155.412.080   Reasonable accommodations
      155.412.090   Sign permits
      155.412.100   Tiny houses on wheels permits
      155.412.110   Tree permits
      155.412.120   Use permits
      155.412.130   Vacation rental permits
      155.412.140   Variances
      155.412.150   Zoning clearances
   155.416   Appeals and Reviews
      155.416.010   Purpose
      155.416.020   Appeal subjects and jurisdiction
      155.416.030   Filing and processing of appeals
      155.416.040   [Reserved]
      155.416.050   Judicial review
   155.420   Post-Approval Provisions
      155.420.010   Purpose
      155.420.020   Notice of decision
      155.420.030   Effective date of decision
      155.420.040   Issuance of permits
      155.420.050   Conformance to approved plans
      155.420.060   Certificates of occupancy
      155.420.070   Performance guarantees
      155.420.080   Changes to an approved project
      155.420.090   Permit/approval expiration
      155.420.100   Extension of time
      155.420.110   Resubmittals following denial or revocation
      155.420.120   Permits to run with the land
   155.424   Non-Conformities
      155.424.010   Purpose
      155.424.020   Applicability
      155.424.030   Non-conforming site features
      155.424.040   Non-conforming buildings
      155.424.050   Non-conforming signs
      155.424.060   Non-conforming uses
      155.424.070   Non-conforming lots
   155.428   Enforcement and Penalties
      155.428.010   Purpose
      155.428.020   Violations
      155.428.030   Permits and approvals
      155.428.040   Enforcement authority
      155.428.050   Inspections, access and entry
      155.428.060   Remedies
      155.428.070   Remedies are cumulative
      155.428.080   Permit revocation
      155.428.090   Signs
   155.432   Zoning Code and General Plan Amendments
      155.432.010   Purpose
      155.432.020   Initiation
      155.432.030   General Plan amendment petition
      155.432.040   Application
      155.432.050   Planning Commission hearing and action
      155.432.060   City Council hearing and action
      155.432.070   Findings for approval
      155.432.080   Limitations on resubmittals after denial
   155.504   Land Use Classifications
      155.504.010   Purpose
      155.504.020   Primary and secondary uses
      155.504.030   Land use classifications - Alphabetical
   155.508   Defined Terms
      155.508.010   Purpose
      155.508.020   Definitions
      155.508.030   [Reserved]
      155.508.040   Land use classification - Use type