(A) Calculating sign area.
(1) Sign area for digitally-printed signs is measured as the area within a single rectangle that completely enclose the sign copy and graphics, as well as any frame, material or color that is an integral part of the display or used to differentiate the sign’s contents from the background against which they are placed. See Figure 340-1.
(2) For all signs other than digitally-printed signs, sign area is measured as the area within up to eight rectangles that completely enclose the sign copy and graphics. See Figure 340-2.

(3) Supporting framework or bracing that is clearly incidental to the display itself is not calculated as sign area.
(4) For projecting and other double-faced (back-to-back) signs with identical faces, only one display face is counted in the sign area measurement if the distance between each sign face does not exceed 36 inches and the two faces are parallel with each other.
(5) The area of spherical, free-form, sculptural or other non-planar signs is measured as 50% of the sum of the area enclosed within the four vertical sides of the smallest four-sided polyhedron that will encompass the sign structure. See Figure 340-3.

(B) Tenant frontage.
(1) General. Tenant frontage is the linear measurement of a tenant's building wall that abuts and faces a street, a tenant's building wall that abuts and faces a parking lot, or a tenant's building wall that abuts and faces a pedestrian walkway or alley. See Figure 340-4.

(2) Corner and through lots.
(a) Where a tenant occupies a building that fronts on two streets (on a corner or through lot), allowed sign standards apply independently for each street frontage unless otherwise indicated in this section. See Figure 340-5.

(b) For example, a corner tenant in the DT Zoning District may install one wall sign on each street frontage. Allowed sign area applies individually to each frontage and may not be transferred between frontages.
(C) Building frontage. Building frontage is measured in the same manner as tenant frontage, except calculated for the entire building, not individual tenants. See Figure 340-6.

(D) Detached sign height measurement. The height of a freestanding, pole, monument or other type of detached sign is measured from the finished grade at the base of the sign to the top of the sign. See Figure 340-7.

(Ord. 885-C.S., passed 5-21-19; Am. Ord. 951-C.S., passed 10-17-23)