§ 155.340.070 SIGN STANDARDS.
   (A)   Sign type standards.
      (1)   All signs must comply with the sign type standards in Tables 340-1 through 340-9 unless deviations are allowed through a master sign permit (§ 155.340.060(C)) or creative sign permit (§ 155.340.060(D)).
      (2)   Maximum sign standards in Tables 340-1 through 340-9 apply to individual signs, not all signs combined on a property, unless otherwise noted in the tables.
      (3)   If a proposed sign type is not specifically listed in Tables 340-1 through 340-9, the sign will be regulated in the same manner as the most similar listed sign type as determined by the Director.
Table 340-1: Wall Signs
Definition: a wall sign is a sign attached to, or painted on, the exterior wall of a structure, with the display surface of the sign approximately parallel to the building wall. Wall signs include signs attached to, but not extending above, a fascia, parapet or mansard roof.
Where allowed: all zoning districts.
Unless painted on a wall, wall signs must be constructed of durable, rigid material such as wood, plastic or metal.
Permanent walls signs constructed of flexible, non-rigid material (e.g., cloth, flexible vinyl) are not permitted.
Wall signs may be painted directly on a building wall.
Figure 340-8: Wall Signs
In non-residential zoning districts: both external and internal illumination is allowed.
In residential zoning districts and multi-family residential uses: only external illumination is allowed.
Digital signs: Digital signs are not allowed as a wall sign.
Standards [1]
Zoning District
Non-Residenti al Uses in All Residential Zones and Multi-Family Residential Uses
Max. number
2 per tenant frontage
1 per building frontage
Max. area [2]
1.0 sq. ft. per linear foot of tenant frontage to a maximum of 32 sq. ft. per tenant frontage
1.0 sq. ft. per linear foot of tenant frontage (no maximum)
24 sq. ft.
Max. height
Roof line or parapet of building to which sign is attached.
Max. projection from building wall
12 inches
[1] Standards apply only to ground-floor tenants and uses. See § 155.340.070(B) (Multi-Story Buildings).
[2] Maximum area applies to all wall signs combined on a tenant frontage.
Table 340-2: Window Signs, Non-Illuminated
Definition: a sign posted, painted, placed or affixed in or on a window exposed to public view (including windows on upper floors). Any sign attached to a window, within two feet of a window, or attached to a display located within two feet of a window is considered a window sign.
Where allowed: all zoning districts.
Window transparency: for each individual window, a minimum of 50% of the total window area must be transparent and free of signage features. Window area is measured from interior of trim to interior of trim, including mullions, muntins and other separations of panes of glass.
Figure 340-9: Window Signs, Non-Illuminated
Standard [1]
Zoning District
Non-Residential Uses in All Residential Zones
Max. number
No max.
Max. area [2]
25% of total tenant frontage window area
50% of total tenant frontage window area
25% of the total window area of each individual window
Max. height
No max.
[1] Standards apply only to ground-floor tenants and uses. See § 155.340.070(B) (Multi-Story Buildings).
[2] Maximum area applies to all window signs combined on a tenant frontage.
Table 340-3: Window Signs, Internally Illuminated
Definition: a sign placed in a window with individually illuminated letters, numbers or graphics not exceeding 12 square feet. Includes illuminated “open” signs and signs illuminated with LEDs, neon or other fluorescing gas.
Where allowed: allowed in all non-residential zoning districts, except for the Office Residential (OR) Zoning District.
Figure 340-10: Window Signs, Internally Illuminated
Additional requirements: animated window signs require a creative sign permit.
Digital signs: digital signs are not allowed as a window sign.
Window transparency: for each individual window, a minimum of 50% of the total window area must be transparent and free of signage features. Window area is measured from interior of trim to interior of trim, including mullions, muntins, and other separations of panes of glass.
Standard [1]
Zoning District
Max. number
2 per tenant frontage
Max. area [2]
25% of total tenant frontage window area
50% of total tenant frontage window area
Max. height
No max.
[1] Standards apply only to ground-floor tenants and uses. See § 155.340.070(B) (Multi-Story Buildings).
[2] Maximum area applies to all window signs combined on a tenant frontage.
Table 340-4: Projecting and Suspended Signs
Definition: a sign permanently attached to a building or wall such that the sign face or faces are perpendicular to the building or wall. Includes blade signs suspended under a bracket, armature or other mounting device.
Where allowed:
   Allowed in all non-residential zoning districts.
   Prohibited in all residential zoning districts.
Figure 340-11: Projecting and Suspended Signs
Vertical and horizontal clearance: see § 155.340.080(I) (Vertical and Horizontal Clearance),
Digital signs: Digital signs are not allowed as a projecting or suspended sign.
Standard [1]
Zoning District
Max. number
1 per tenant frontage
Max. area
18 sq. ft. per tenant frontage
24 sq. ft. per tenant frontage
Max. height
Height of building to which it is attached
Maximum projection from building wall
8 ft.
[1] Standards apply only to ground-floor tenants and uses. See § 155.340.070(B) (Multi-Story Buildings).
[2] The Building Code may require a projection less than eight feet.
Table 340-5: Awning/Canopy Signs
Table 340-5: Awning/Canopy Signs
Definition: an awning sign is incorporated into, attached to or painted on the face or valance of an awning. A canopy sign is attached to a fixed overhead shelter used as a roof.
Figure 340-12: Awning Signs
Figure 340-13: Canopy Signs
Where allowed:
   Allowed in all non-residential zoning districts.
   Prohibited in all residential zoning districts except for multi-family residential uses.
Placement: awnings and canopies with signs may only be mounted on the wall area below the second floor.
Vertical and horizontal clearance: see § 155.340.080(I) (Vertical and Horizontal Clearance).
Materials: awnings must be constructed of durable, long-lasting fabric. Plastic or vinyl material is not permitted.
Awnings/canopies without sign copy: awnings and canopies without lettering or sign copy are not regulated as signs.
Digital signs: Digital signs are not allowed as an awning or canopy sign.
Zoning District
residential uses
Zoning District
residential uses
Max. number
No max.
1 per frontage
Max. area
25 sq. ft. or area of awning or canopy fascia, whichever is less
35 sq. ft. or area of awning or canopy fascia, whichever is less
25 sq. ft. or area of awning or canopy fascia, whichever is less
Max. height (awning signs)
Height of awning area
Max. height (canopy signs)
Height of canopy fascia; 3 ft. for signs atop canopy
Height of canopy fascia; 4 ft. for signs atop canopy
Height of canopy fascia;
3 ft. for signs atop canopy
Max. width
The building wall to which it is attached or the tenant space it identifies
Maximum projection from building wall
No max.
Standards apply only to ground-floor tenants and uses. See § 155.340.070(B) (Multi-Story Buildings).
Table 340-6: Roof Signs
Definition: a sign erected above a roof and/or the parapet of a building. Signs attached to the side of a mansard roof are not considered roof signs. The definition of roof signs does not include signs attached to a building wall or other horizontal building element.
Where allowed:
Allowed in all non-residential zoning districts except for Office Residential (OR) and Hospital Medical (HM).
Prohibited in Office Residential (OR), Hospital Medical (HM) and all residential zoning districts.
Figure 340-14: Roof Signs
Design: roof signs must consist of individually-formed letters and associated graphics without a solid background. A box sign is not allowed as a roof sign.
Illumination: internal or external illumination allowed. Internally illuminated signs are permitted only when the portion of the sign that appears illuminated is primarily the sign lettering, registered trademark or logo.
Digital signs: digital signs are not allowed as a roof sign.
Zoning District
Max. number
1 roof sign per building
Max. area
1.0 sq. ft. per linear foot of total building frontage to a maximum of 50 sq. ft.
1.0 sq. ft. per linear foot of total tenant frontage to a maximum of 100 sq. ft.
Max. height
10 ft. above top of building
16 ft. above top of building
Standards apply only to ground-floor tenants and uses. See § 155.340.070(B) (Multi-Story Buildings).
Table 340-7: Monument Signs
Definition: a monument sign is a sign detached from a building and supported on the ground by one or more structural elements that are one-quarter or more of the width of the sign face. Internal supports, poles or pylons, if any, are enclosed by decorative covers or otherwise not exposed to view. Includes signs where supporting structural elements are architecturally dissimilar to the design of the sign. Excludes “pole signs.”
Where allowed: allowed in all mixed-use and industrial zoning districts and multi-family residential uses.
Figure 340-15 Monument Signs
Monument and pole signs: a monument sign is not allowed on a site that also contains a pole sign.
Ground support and placement: see § 155.340.080(J) (Detached Sign Ground Support and Placement).
Digital signs: Digital signs are not allowed as a monument sign.
Zoning District
Residential Uses
Max. number
1 per site
Max. area
1.0 sq. ft. per linear foot of tenant frontage to a maximum of 32 sq. ft. per tenant; maximum of 64 sq. ft. for multi-tenant signs
1.0 sq. ft. per linear foot of tenant frontage to a maximum of 50 sq. ft. per tenant; maximum of 150 sq. ft. for multi-tenant signs for 3 or more tenants
1.0 sq. ft. per linear foot of street-facing building frontage to a maximum of 32 sq. ft.
Max. height
8 ft.
12 ft.
8 ft.
Max. width
No max.
Standards apply only to ground-floor tenants and uses. See § 155.340.070(B) (Multi-Story Buildings).
Table 340-8: Pole Signs
Definition: a sign detached from a building and supported on the ground by one or more structural elements that are less than one-quarter the width of the sign face.
Where allowed:
New pole signs are allowed in the SC, LI and GI Zoning Districts.
New pole signs are prohibited in all other zoning districts. Pole signs existing as of June 20, 2019, may remain.
Figure 340-16: Pole Signs
Pole and monument signs: a pole sign is not allowed on a tenant frontage that also contains a monument sign.
Ground support and placement: see § 155.340.080(J) (Detached Sign Ground Support and Placement).
Landscaping: pole signs must be placed in a planter box or other landscaped area, with the area of the landscaping a minimum of 15 square feet or one-half of the surface area of the sign, whichever is greater.
Digital signs: Digital signs are not allowed as a pole sign.
SC, LI, HI Zoning Districts
Max. number
1 per site
Max. area
1.0 sq. ft. per linear foot of tenant frontage to a maximum of 50 sq. ft. per tenant; maximum of 150 sq. ft. for multi-tenant signs for 3 or more tenants
Max. height
24 ft.
Horizontal clearance
See § 155.340.080(I) (Vertical and Horizontal Clearance)
Max. width
No max.
Standards apply only to ground-floor tenants and uses. See § 155.340.070(B) (Multi-Story Buildings).
Table 340-9: Digital Signs
Definition: a sign that displays a visual image using liquid crystal cells or other types of light emitting diodes (LEDs), or their functional equivalent, where the image can be easily changed, typically by remote control or computer programming. Also known as electronic message center (EMC) signs. Excludes fuel price signs, as provided in § 155.340.030(A)(19), and marquee signs, as provided in § 155.340.070(E).
Where allowed: prohibited in all zoning districts.
Figure 340-14: Digital Signs
Existing legal non-conforming digital signs: existing legally-established digital signs must comply with all listed digital sign standards, and must be removed when removal is triggered by § 155.424.050 (Non-conforming Signs).
Off-premises signs prohibited: digital signs may not be used as an off-premises sign, or for any form of off-site advertising.
Message display:
Digital signs may contain static messages only. Signs may not display text which flashes, pulsates, moves or scrolls. Each complete message must fit on one screen.
Digital signs may not change message more than once every 15 seconds.
The content of a digital sign must transition by changing instantly (e.g., no fade-out or fade-in).
Ticker signs are prohibited.
During daylight hours between sunrise and sunset, luminance is limited to 10,000 nits.
At all other times, luminance is limited to 160 nits.
Digital signs may produce no more than 0.3 foot-candle of light when measured from the distance using the following formula:
Measurement Distance= (Area of Sign Sq. Ft. × 100)
Each sign must have a light sensing device that will automatically adjust the brightness of the display as the natural ambient light conditions change.
   (B)   Multi-story buildings. Standards for signs in Tables 340-1 through 340-9 apply only to ground floor tenants and uses. Signs for tenants and uses located above the ground floor are allowed only with a master sign permit that establishes sign standards for the site. See § 155.340.060(C) (Master Sign Permits).
   (C)   Hospital signs. Hospitals are exempt from all building-attached sign regulations, except for digital sign regulations. Hospitals must comply with detached sign regulations. Non-hospital uses in the HM Zoning District must comply with all sign regulations.
   (D)   Public facilities and parks and recreation zoning districts. In the Public Facilities (PF) and Parks and Recreation (PR) Zoning Districts, the Director will determine the allowed sign types and size based on the signage needs of the associated uses.
   (E)   Marquee signs.
      (1)   A marquee sign is allowed with a creative sign permit and must satisfy all of the requirements of that permit. The Design Review Committee will determine the maximum allowed sign area, height, dimensions and other standards as part of the design review approval process.
      (2)   Marquee signs are limited to theaters, auditoriums, indoor amusement/entertainment facilities and similar facilities. A maximum of one marquee sign is allowed per use.
      (3)   Digital display is allowed only for marquee sign copy that advertises films, performances and other events. Use of digital display to advertise goods and services is not allowed. Digital display may change no more than once a day. Digital display must comply with the brightness limitation in Table 340-9 (Digital Signs).
   (F)   Sandwich board signs.
      (1)   Sandwich board signs on private property are exempt from the requirements of this section. (See § 155.340.030.A.4.)
      (2)   Sandwich board signs within the public right-of-way must comply with the following standards.
         (a)   Signs may only be located in mixed use zones.
         (b)   Signs must be constructed of durable materials and in such a manner as not to present a hazard to pedestrian movement.
         (c)   A sign may not exceed 30 inches in width and 48 inches in height.
         (d)   Signs must be weighted at the base so as to provide a stable and secure sign.
         (e)   Signs must be placed so as to allow for a minimum of 48 inches pedestrian path of travel clearance between obstacles.
         (f)   Signs may not conflict with utilities or parking meters, public parking or traffic sight distance at street or alley intersections, and may not block entrances or exits.
         (g)   Signs are limited to one sign per business, and must be placed on the sidewalk that fronts the business.
         (h)   Digital signs are not allowed as a sandwich board sign. See Table 340-9 (Digital Signs).
         (i)   Signs in the public right-of-way must acquire an encroachment permit.
(Ord. 885-C.S., passed 5-21-19; Am. Ord. 902 C.-S., passed 8-18-20; Am. Ord. 916-C.S., passed 7-6-21; Am. Ord. 938-C.S., passed 11-1-22; Am. Ord. 951-C.S., passed 10-17-23)