(A)   Concurrent filing. If a project requires more than one permit or approval (e.g., a Zoning Map amendment and a conditional use permit), the applicant must apply for all permits and approvals concurrently, unless the concurrent filing requirement is waived by the Director. The Department may accept a single application form for all required permits and approvals.
   (B)   Concurrent processing and review.
      (1)   The Department must process multiple applications for the same project concurrently.
      (2)   Projects requiring multiple permit applications must be reviewed and acted upon by the highest review authority designated by the Zoning Code for any of the applications (e.g., a project requiring a zoning map amendment and a conditional use permit will have both applications decided by the City Council, instead of the Planning Commission acting on the conditional use permit). This does not apply to any ministerial permits or approvals acted on by the Director or Department staff without notice or public hearing, unless otherwise stated in the provisions of the Zoning Code.
(Ord. 885-C.S., passed 5-21-19; Am. Ord. 951-C.S., passed 10-17-23)