§ 155.424.060 NON-CONFORMING USES.
   (A)   Continuation allowed. A non-conforming use may continue subject to the requirements of this section.
   (B)   Intensification of use. A minor use permit is required to increase the floor or site area occupied by a non-conforming use and/or intensify the operation of a non-conforming use in any way.
   (C)   Change in ownership, tenancy, or management. A change in ownership, tenancy, or management of a non-conforming use does not affect its legal non-conforming status.
   (D)   Uses without required permits. A legally established use that is allowed in a zoning district but which lacks a required permit (e.g., conditional use permit) is considered a non-conforming use until the use receives the permit(s) required by the Zoning Code.
   (E)   Expiration of legal non-conforming status. A legally established non-conforming use that ceases to operate for a period of six consecutive months or more is no longer considered legal non-conforming and the use may not be re-established. A use ceases to operate when a site is vacant or when a use is non-operational for any reason other than a natural disaster or illness/death of an owner/immediate family member.
(Ord. 885-C.S., passed 5-21-19; Am. Ord. 916-C.S., passed 7-6-21; Am. Ord. 951-C.S., passed 10-17-23)