(A)   General. The purposes of the mixed-use zoning districts are to:
      (1)   Protect, enhance and build upon Eureka’s unique identity, historic character and sense of community;
      (2)   Promote a compact development pattern with high-intensity activity centers, infill development, adaptive reuse of existing buildings and redevelopment of vacant lots and underutilized properties;
      (3)   Encourage a mix of commercial, residential, professional office and civic land uses;
      (4)   Accommodate a broad range of commercial uses to serve the community and allow properties to quickly respond to evolving market opportunities over time;
      (5)   Promote a diversity of multi-family housing choices in higher density mixed-use settings, especially on upper floors;
      (6)   Provide a pedestrian-friendly environment while accommodating the needs of automobiles where appropriate;
      (7)   Promote transportation alternatives, reduce the reliance on automobiles and increase opportunities to walk, bike or take transit to destinations;
      (8)   Foster a diverse and resilient local economy, friendly to new business investment and the creation and retention of quality jobs;
      (9)   Encourage growth in the city’s tax base to support city services and infrastructure; and
      (10)   Provide attractive and well-designed streetscapes, buildings, parking and public spaces.
   (B)   Specific.
      (1)   Downtown (DT). The DT Zoning District maintains, promotes, enhances and builds upon Eureka’s Downtown as a vibrant center for residents, businesses, the arts, local/regional visitors and out-of-town tourists. Vertical mixed-use development with a diversity of uses promote daytime and evening activity, including residential, cultural, lodging, civic, professional office, entertainment, retail and other customer-serving and employment-intensive uses. Multi-story buildings built to lot lines fully utilize available land and support a high-intensity economic and cultural center for the surrounding region. Existing buildings are fully utilized with uses that serve residents, employees, visitors and the broader region. A diversity of building types and architectural styles, many with active ground-floor uses, support a vibrant pedestrian environment and active and inviting public spaces.
      (2)   Downtown West (DW). The DW Zoning District is an extension of the Downtown (DT) Zoning District with a broader range of allowed land uses to further encourage investment and development and to provide a transition zone from Broadway to Downtown.
      (3)   Service Commercial (SC). The SC Zoning District is an intensive commercial district primarily located in or adjacent to highly visible areas, and provides for local, regional and visitor needs. Development accommodates vehicles in a manner that supports an attractive streetscape and pedestrian-friendly environment. The SC Zoning District allows a broad variety and scale of retail, office, restaurants, lodging, entertainment, outdoor sales, large product retail sales, storage, warehousing, wholesale and limited residential uses.
      (4)   Henderson Center (HC). The HC Zoning District is a pedestrian-oriented limited-scale neighborhood shopping district primarily serving residents in nearby neighborhoods. Pedestrian-scale buildings with active street-facing storefronts close to the sidewalk create an active and inviting public realm. Single-family residential homes converted to retail and office uses retain their residential character and buffer nearby residences from higher intensity uses.
      (5)   Neighborhood Commercial (NC). The NC Zoning District provides places for limited-scale convenience retail, restaurants, offices, professional services and other customer-serving uses to meet the daily needs of nearby residents, workers and visitors. The form and intensity of development supports an active pedestrian environment and is compatible with neighboring residential properties. Limited residential mixed-use development contributes to neighborhood vitality and safe and attractive streetscapes.
      (6)   Wabash Avenue (WA). The WA Zoning District provides an area for limited-scale commercial uses to serve the community in the western half of Eureka. Over time, existing properties will be modified and redeveloped to create a more robust neighborhood-oriented and pedestrian-friendly shopping and professional service-related corridor.
      (7)   Office Residential (OR). The OR Zoning District provides areas for customer-serving and non-customer-serving professional offices, clinics and related retail and services, as well as residential uses. The OR District allows a mix of single-family and multi-family housing, offices, converted residential buildings and lodging where the intent is to generally retain the character, scale and form of the residential neighborhood. The OR Zoning District provides a mix of office and residential uses in an environment with a different character and lower intensity than the other mixed-use commercial districts of the city.
      (8)   Hospital Medical (HM). The HM Zoning District provides a centralized and consolidated regional hub for hospitals, medical offices and clinics, other health care-related uses and restricted commercial development that supports these uses.
   (C)   Coastal zoning districts.
      (1)   The following mixed-use zoning districts are located exclusively in Eureka’s coastal zone:
         (a)   Old Town - Coastal (OT-CZ);
         (b)   Bayfront Commercial - Coastal (BC-CZ);
         (c)   Library District - Coastal (LD-CZ);
         (d)   Marina District - Coastal (MD-CZ);
         (e)   Service Commercial - Coastal (SC-CZ);
         (f)   Gateway North - Coastal (GN-CZ); and
         (g)   Bridge District - Coastal (BD-CZ).
      (2)   Purpose statements, allowed land uses and development standards for coastal zoning districts are found in Municipal Code Ch. 156 (Coastal Zoning).
(Ord. 885-C.S., passed 5-21-19)