(A)   CEQA review.
      (1)   After accepting a complete application, the Department must review the project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and any adopted City CEQA guidelines.
      (2)   The Department will determine the required level of environmental review (e.g., exemption, negative declaration) within 30 days of finding the application complete.
   (B)   Special studies required. The Department may require the applicant to prepare special studies and/or submit additional information to supplement the Department’s CEQA compliance review.
   (C)   Action on CEQA document. The review authority that approves an application must take final action on the CEQA document prepared for the proposed project. Final action on the CEQA document must occur prior to or concurrent with action on required permits. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines § 15270(b), the city is not required to take final action on a CEQA documents for a denied application.
(Ord. 885-C.S., passed 5-21-19)