§ 155.308.050 OUTDOOR LIGHTING.
   (A)   Purpose. This division establishes standards for outdoor lighting to minimize light pollution, maintain enjoyment of the night sky, and reduce light impacts on adjacent properties.
   (B)   Applicability. The standards in this division apply to all outdoor lighting in Eureka.
   (C)   Exceptions.
      (1)   Lighting installed and maintained by the city, another public agency, or a public utility;
      (2)   Athletic field lights used within a school campus or public or private park;
      (3)   Temporary construction and emergency lighting;
      (4)   Seasonal lighting displays related to cultural or religious celebrations; and
      (5)   Low intensity string lights.
   (D)   Administrative adjustments. The Director may approve an administrative adjustment to allow deviations from the standards in this division. To approve the administrative adjustment, the Director must make the findings in § 155.412.030(F) (Findings for Approval) and one of the following additional findings:
      (1)   The modification to the lighting standard is necessary for public safety or security purposes; or
      (2)   The modification allows for creative accent lighting of building and/or site features visible from public vantage points, and the lighting has been designed to minimize light pollution.
   (E)   Nonconformities. Properties nonconforming to this division must be brought into conformance when required by § 155.412.030 (Non-conforming Site Features). This standard does not apply to single-family uses or interior remodels with no exterior changes to the structure.
   (F)   Fixture types. All lighting fixtures must be shielded or recessed so the lighting source is not directed toward other structures, wildlife habitat, adjoining properties, or the public right-of-way. All fixtures must meet the International Dark Sky Association's (IDA) requirements for reducing waste of ambient light ("dark sky compliant") and the California Green Building Standards Code.
   (G)   Light trespass.
      (1)   Lights must be directed downward and away from adjacent lots and nearby wildlife habitat to minimize illumination of adjacent properties, nearby wildlife habitat, and the public right-of-way to the maximum extent possible.
      (2)   Direct or sky-reflected glare from floodlights may not be directed into an adjacent property or the public right-of-way.
      (3)   No lighting may produce an illumination level greater than one foot-candle on any adjacent residential property.
   (H)   Prohibited lighting. The following types of exterior lighting are prohibited:
      (1)   Bare bulbs without fixtures or hoods;
      (2)   Mercury vapor lights; and
      (3)   Searchlights, laser lights, or any other lighting that flashes, blinks, alternates, or moves.
   (I)   Parking lot lighting. See § 155.324.060(I) (Lighting).
   (J)   Residential zoning districts.
      (1)   Light fixtures in any residential zoning district may not exceed a height of 16 feet. Motion sensor lights, light fixtures used to light upper floor decks and balconies, and exterior stairs leading to upper floors, must be directed downward and away from adjoining properties and the right-of-way, and may exceed the 16-foot height limitation.
      (2)   Multi-family residential development with more than four units must provide lighting along all on-site vehicular access ways and pedestrian walkways.
      (3)   Lighting of at least one-foot candle must be provided within all covered and enclosed parking areas serving multi-family uses.
(Ord. 885-C.S., passed 5-21-19; Am. Ord. 902 C.-S., passed 8-18-20; Am. Ord. 938-C.S., passed 11-1-22; Am. Ord. 951-C.S., passed 10-17-23)