General Provisions
90.01 Definitions
90.02 Animal Control Officer
90.03 Removal of dead animals
90.04 Rabid animals
90.05 Care provided by Animal Control Officer
90.06 Animals adopted or redeemed
90.07 Spaying or neutering required
90.08 Change of ownership; death of animal
90.09 Farm animals
90.10 Public nuisance animals
90.11 License; fee
90.12 License tags
90.13 Collars
90.14 At large
90.15 Females in heat
90.16 Cruelty to animals
90.17 Impoundment; redemption
90.18 Biting dogs
90.19 Slaying of vicious dogs
90.20 Rabid dogs
90.21 Applicability to animals other than dogs
90.22 Vicious dogs
90.23 Dangerous dogs
90.24 (Reserved)
90.25 Companion animal hoarder
90.26 (Reserved)
Exotic Animals
90.30 Definition
90.31 Sale prohibited
90.32 Permits
90.33 Exceptions to permit requirements
90.99 Penalty