Pool and Billiard Halls
113.01 Definitions
113.02 Enforcement
113.03 License required
113.04 Application
113.05 Issuance; transferability
113.06 Display of license
113.07 Access and inspection
113.08 Hours of operation
113.09 Gambling
113.10 Wire or messenger service
113.11 Violations
Public Markets
113.25 Location of public market spaces
113.26 License fee; rental year
113.27 Location of stands
113.28 Unwholesome food; slaughtering
113.29 Exemption
113.30 Applicability of subchapter
Festival Vendor License
113.45 License required
113.99 Penalty
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
(1) The several games played on a table known as a pool table or billiard table, surrounded by an elastic ledge or cushion, with or without pockets, with balls which are impelled by a cue;
(2) These terms shall include all forms of the game known as carom billiards, pocket billiards, three-cushion billiards, English billiards and all other games played on a billiard table; and
(3) The terms also include the games known as snooker, 15-ball pool, eight-ball pool, bottle pool, pea-pool and all other games played on a pool table and all games played on a so-called pigeon-hole table.
POOL ROOM or BILLIARD ROOM. Any public place where the game of pool or billiards is played or permitted to be played.
(1984 Code, § 111.200)