Junk, Scrap Metal, Precious Metal and Secondhand Dealers,
Secondhand Stores and Pawn Shops
   117.01   Definitions
   117.02   License required
   117.03   Daily reports to Police Department
   117.04   Records
   117.05   Business sign and license to be posted
   117.06   Tagging of merchandise; denial restrictions on resale
   117.07   Transactions with minors
   117.08   Exceptions
   117.09   Fence required around junkyard; storage of waste materials
   117.10   Burning of waste
   117.11   Conflicts of law
   117.12   Revocation or suspension of license; hearing and appeals procedure
   117.99   Penalty
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CONSIGNMENT. A transaction in which a person/bailer delivers goods to a merchant for the purpose of sale, and the merchant acts as the bailee or agent for the goods and markets such goods for sale on behalf of the person/bailor. The merchant does not acquire ownership or title to such goods at any time, but may receive a commission upon sale of the consigned goods.
   JUNK DEALER. Any person engaged in the business of operating a junk yard.
   JUNKYARD. Any land, building, structure, enclosure or site where waste materials are purchased, collected or processed for the purpose of dealing resale, barter or exchange.
   LICENSEE. Any premises, entity or individual operating as a junk dealer, precious metal dealer, scrap metal dealer, pawn shop, secondhand dealer or secondhand store, as defined in this subchapter, that has secured a city secondhand/pawn retailer license.
   PAWNBROKER/PAWN SHOP. Any premises, entity or individual who loans money on deposit of personal property, or who deals in the purchase of personal property on the condition of selling the property back again at a stipulated price, or who makes a public display at his, her or its place of business of the sign generally used by pawnbrokers to denote their business, or who publically exhibits a sign advertising money to loan on personal property or deposit.
   PRECIOUS METAL. Any secondhand or antique jewelry, coins, watches, diamonds or other precious stones, cutlery, old gold, silver, platinum or other precious metals, or any other secondhand manufactured articles, composed wholly or in part of gold, silver, platinum or other precious metals.
   PRECIOUS METAL DEALER. Any person or entity dealing in the purchase or exchange of secondhand or antique jewelry, coins, watches, diamonds or other precious stones, cutlery, old gold, silver, platinum or other precious metals, or any other secondhand manufactured articles, composed wholly or in part of gold, silver, platinum or other precious metals.
   SCRAP METAL. Any waste and/or new metal products, including, but not limited to, old, unwanted metal, parts of vehicles, building supplies, wrought iron, wiring, piping, copper tubing, aluminum (except aluminum cans), steel and surplus materials.
   SCRAP METAL DEALER. Any person engaged in the business of purchasing and/or selling scrap metal.
   SCRAPYARD. Any premises where a business or entity is located that deals in the purchase and sale of scrap, including, but not limited to, recycling operations.
   SECONDHAND DEALER. Any person engaged in the business of selling used automobile parts or other motor vehicle parts.
   SECONDHAND STORE. Any premises or individual involved in the retail sales of previously used items, such as appliances, refrigerators, stoves, power tools, athletic equipment, clothing, washing machines and dryers, and previously used electronics, such as televisions, computers, cellular phones, portable music devices and stereos. This definition includes stores or other entities that are sometimes referred to as “pawn shops” and vintage clothing stores.
   VINTAGE CLOTHING STORE. Any premises used for the sale or trading of vintage collectible or haute couture clothing or jewelry, which means finely constructed clothing or jewelry with high and generally agreed upon standards of aesthetic quality.
   WASTE MATERIAL. Scrap metals of all kinds, whether processed by cutting or not, waste paper and paper products, old rags and all other waste products, of any nature whatsoever.
(1984 Code, § 111.150) (Ord. O-27-82, passed 4-13-1982; Ord. O-1-07, passed 1-23-2007; Ord. O-5-10, passed 2-16-2010)
Statutory reference:
   Recyclers, see KRS 177.905 et seq.