Appendix "B" to Columbiana SWMR
City of Columbiana, Ohio
Drive and Yard Pipe Policy
All driveway and yard section installation requests must be submitted to the City Street Superintendent for review and approval.
Upon receiving said approval, the property owner shall purchase pipe and materials and install according to City Policy.
      All pipes will be hydraulically sized for a minimum 10 year storm capacity.
      The pipe flow line shall match flush with the existing roadside ditch elevation and gradient or connecting pipes.
      Excavation, bedding, laying, joining, and back filling shall be as per Item 611 of the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), Construction and Material Specifications.
      The City Street Superintendent or City Manager may modify these requirements at their discretion, should the conditions warrant modifications.
A driveway pipe is designed to carry water from one side of the driveway to the other.
      Minimum pipe diameter shall be 12 inches or larger, as requested by the City.
      Minimum length of pipe shall be 20 feet. Longer pipes may be necessary due to width of driveways or tie-ins to existing driveways.
      Acceptable pipe materials shall be reinforced concrete, corrugated double wall polyethylene pipe, as per AASHTO M 294 or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ASTM F 758 PS46 minimum.
      Plastic pipe shall be permitted only when 12" minimum cover is available or as directed by the City.
      Corrugated plastic tubing, spiral metal pipes, water line and sanitary sewer pipe will NOT be permitted.
NOTE:      It is the option of the property owner to have the City's Street crew perform the driveway culvert installation or to hire a private contractor to do the work. The City crew will install driveway culverts as their schedule permits. It will be the responsibility of the property owned to pay for the pipe and backfill materials.
         Any installation by a private contractor must follow the City's Driveway and Yard Pipe Policy.
         OUPS (Ohio Utilities Protection Service) must be notified and the work area marked before any installation work will be performed. OUPS will need two (2) working day's notification in advance.
A yard section pipe is designed to carry water from one side of the property to the other and into the roadside ditch line, yard pipes must be hydraulically sized to a minimum 10 year storm event capacity.
      A minimum 8" deep ditch or swale must be maintained over the top of the yard pipe to carry road and yard runoff, see Figure "A".
      Yard section pipe shall be joined or sealed.
      A standard surface catch basin with an adequate opening and grate shall be placed on the upstream side of all drives. The City may require additional surface water inlets or catch basins if conditions exist that require drainage from other sources; catch basins shall be installed at least every 200 feet or less, if required by the City.
      Any other pipes or tiles that need to enter yard pipe (such as curtain drains, down spout drains, etc.) must have approved connected fittings. At no time will the yard pipe be allowed to have holes cut into the side of it and lateral tiles inserted.
      Acceptable materials shall be reinforced concrete, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ASTM F 758 PS 46 minimum or corrugated double wall polyethylene pipe, as per AASHTO M 294, a 12" minimum diameter or greater if required by the City.
      Catch basins shall be a minimum of ODOT Standard 2-2-B, for pipes larger than 18" a larger catch basin will be needed.
      All yard pipes and catch basins must be installed by the property owner and approved by the City or designated representatives.
      Once facilities are installed within City right-of-way and approved by the City, responsibility for maintenance and/or replacement will be by the City. The City will have no responsibility for pipes outside of the right-of-way.
      All material and installation costs of a yard pipe and catch basins shall be the responsibility of the property owner; City personnel WILL NOT install yard pipes and catch basins.
      All pipe and catch basin installations shall be in accordance with ODOT Construction and Materials Specifications.
   Figure "A" - Yard Pipe Detail
(Ord. 15-O-2820, passed 5-19-2015)