(a)   The Planning and Zoning Department or agents will make regular inspections of development areas to determine compliance with these rules and regulations and a report sent to the commissioners of the sites compliance status. All construction activities, including permanent storm water facilities, will be constructed in conformity with approved SWP3 plans. If it appears that a violation of these regulations has occurred, the owner or his appointed representative shall be notified of the deficiencies or non-compliance by the city in writing. If within two weeks after the date of the proof of mailing receipt, the deficiency or non-compliance has not been corrected, or plans have not been approved by the city for its correction, said deficiency or non-compliance shall be reported to the Planning and Zoning Department for consideration of a "finding of violation".
   (b)   If, in the opinion of the Planning and Zoning Department, immediate and irreparable damage will occur because of the violations, the Planning and Zoning Department may approach the Law Director for consideration without delay.
   (c)   If the city determines that a violation exists and requests the prosecuting attorney of the county of jurisdiction in writing, the prosecuting attorney shall seek an injunction or other appropriate relief to abate excessive erosion or sedimentation and secure compliance with these regulations. In granting relief, the court may order the construction of sediment control improvements or implementation of other control measures.
(Ord. 15-O-2820, passed 5-19-2015)