Storm sewer inlet protection must be provided to minimize sediment laden water from entering storm drain systems, unless the storm drain system drains to a sediment settling pond. All storm sewer inlets/catch basins that are made operable during construction shall be protected so that sediment laden water will not enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or otherwise treated to remove sediment. Provisions shall be made for these inlets/catch basins to operate and be maintained before, during and after the final surface is applied around it, such as concrete, asphalt or grass. This may require a provision for an alternate method of inlet protection such as the use of a "Dandy Bag" or approved equal. Water should pond around the inlet when it rains. Silt fence alone cannot be utilized as inlet protection. A sturdy frame must be constructed such as wood 2x4's to support silt fence around inlets. The storm sewer inlet/catch basin protection should encircle the entire basin and be properly entrenched if silt fence is to be utilized. Sediment must be removed on a regular basis around the inlet and properly spread, seeded and mulching or disposed of appropriately off-site.
(Ord. 15-O-2820, passed 5-19-2015)