(a)   Runoff control practices and associated details must be provided to control the flow of runoff from disturbed areas to prevent erosion. Such practices may include rock check dams, pipe slope drains, and diversions to direct flow away from exposed soil and protective grading practices. These practices shall divert runoff away from the disturbed areas and steep slopes where practicable.
   (b)   Control of storm water runoff requires that use of grassed/vegetated areas, or sedimentation basins, to removed sediment and/or contaminants.
      (1)   Vegetated filter strips, a minimum of 15 feet in width, can be utilized when sheet or overland flow is planned (storm water is not collected). If at any time it is found that a vegetated filter strip along is ineffective in stopping sediment movement onto adjacent property, additional perimeter controls shall be provided.
      (2)   Grassed swales can be utilized for treatment if the development site is not conductive to more diffuse overland flow. A minimum ratio of 100 linear feet of grassed swale per acre of impervious area is required. When possible, swales should be designed to minimize the velocity of runoff to less than two feet per second from a 10-year, 24-hour storm. If failures occur within these swales, immediate repair and/or revised design is required.
(Ord. 15-O-2820, passed 5-19-2015)