The SWP3 plan shall include construction plan sheets containing drainage, erosion and sediment control measures, and storm water control for proper management of the site during and after construction. A detail listing of the components required are as follows:
   (a)   Vicinity map. A map should be shown on the plans indicating the site in relation to the surrounding area.
   (b)   Site plan. A plan sheet indicating all temporary and permanent BMP's proposed to be used during all phases of construction shall be provided. It is preferred that the entire site be contained on one sheet, if possible, to permit an entire view of the site for analysis. If a smaller scale is used to permit inclusion of the entire site on one sheet, separate sheets providing an enlarged view of areas on individual sheets should be additionally provided. The following items shall be provided within the plans:
      (1)   The limits of clearing, grading, excavation or any other soil disturbing activities, including off-site spoil and borrow areas must be provided with final contours shown.
      (2)   Soil type and then boundaries, including locations of unstable or highly erodible soils.
      (3)   Surface water locations including springs, wetlands, watercourses, lakes, water wells, etc., on or within 20 feet of the site, including the boundaries of wetlands or watercourses and first subsequent named receiving water(s) the applicant intends to fill or relocate for which the applicant is seeking approval from the US Army Corp of Engineers and/or Ohio EPA.
      (4)   Existing and proposed two foot contours with both labeled accordingly.
      (5)   Sediment ponds and or sediment traps, including their dimensions and the calculation of the available sediment settling volume and the contributing drainage area.
      (6)   Location of all erosion and sediment control practices, including location of areas likely to require temporary stabilization during the course of site development.
      (7)   Areas designated for the storage or disposal of solid and liquid wastes, including dumpster areas, areas designed for cement truck washout and vehicle fueling.
      (8)   The location of any activities in watercourses including watercourse crossings.
      (9)   Existing and planned location of buildings, roads, parking facilities and utilities.
      (10)   Detail drawings of all permanent and temporary structural storm water management and erosion control methods must be provided.
      (11)   Description and specifications for stabilization of all disturbed areas of the site and guidance to which method of stabilization should be employed for any time of the year shall be provided. Such practices may include: temporary seeding, permanent seeding, mulching, matting, sod stabilization, vegetative buffer strips, phasing of construction operations, the use of construction entrances, and the use of alternative ground cover.
      (12)   The plan must make use of non-structural practices that preserve the existing natural condition to the maximum extent practicable. Such practices may include preserving riparian areas, preserving existing vegetation and vegetative buffer strips, phasing construction operation in order to minimize the amount of disturbed land at any one time, and designation of tree preservation areas or other protective clearing or grubbing practices.
      (13)   Construction schedule clearly identifying the appropriate erosion, sediment or storm water control method and the general sequence during the construction process when each specific method will be implemented and the contractor responsible for implementation.
      (14)   General notes must be provided to clearly indicate the methods, timing and implementation of all temporary and permanent storm water management, erosion and sediment control items. The following notes or similar but not less restrictive should be provided:
         A.   "Minimize tracking of sediments by vehicles by utilizing the construction entrance as the only entrance for vehicles. Maintain this entrance with stone as needed to prevent dirt and mud from tracking onto the roadway. Regular sweeping of the roadway may be necessary to ensure roadway does not build up with sediments."
         B.   "The owner of record must provide regular inspection and maintenance for all erosion and sediment control practices. Permanent records of all maintenance and inspections must be kept throughout the construction period, inspection must be made a minimum of once every seven (7) days and immediately after storm events greater than 0.5 inches of rain within a 24-hour period. The name of owner's designated inspector, major observations, date of inspections and corrective measures taken must be noted on all inspections."
         C.   "Other erosion and sediment control items may be necessary due to environmental conditions and may be required at the discretion of the City of Columbiana or agents, Ohio EPA or County SWCD."
         D.   "Sediment/storm water ponds and erosion and sediment controls shall be implemented as the first step of grading and within 7 days from the start of grubbing. Upon completion of construction of ponds, seeding and mulching shall immediately follow to aid in the stabilization and minimize erosion and sediment transport of the soil before water leaves the pond. All erosion and sediment controls shall continue to function until disturbed areas are restabilized."
         E.   "No solid or liquid waste shall be discharged into storm water runoff. (This includes washing out of cement trucks.) Designated wash pit areas are shown on the plans and are preset for this purpose away from areas of storm water runoff."
         F.   "Site stabilization either permanent or temporary must follow the requirements as applicable on the following Table 3 or Table 4:"
(Ord. 15-O-2820, passed 5-19-2015)