EDITOR’S NOTE: Because of the frequency of change, sewer usage rates are not codified. Copies of the latest relevant legislation may be obtained, at cost, from the Manager.
1044.01   Definitions.
1044.02   Administration.
1044.03   User classification; determination of sewer charges; analysis of waste.
1044.04   Permit required for connection; fees.
1044.05   Qualified contractor to tap main.
1044.06   Sewer connection specifications and standards.
1044.07   Notice of intent to make connection required.
1044.08   Permit for service line; specifications.
1044.09   Repairs.
1044.10   Privies, cesspools prohibited when public sewers available.
1044.11   Downspouts, drains and sump pumps.
1044.12   Disposal of scavenger and septic tank wastes.
1044.13   Regulation of discharges; system standards.
1044.14   Billing; rates and charges.
1044.15   Storm drainage districts and drainage areas.
1044.16   Sanitary Sewer District No. 1.
1044.17   Deduct meter program.
1044.99   Penalty.
   Sewerage rates - see Ohio R.C. 729.49, 729.52
   Regulations to control house sewers and connections - see Ohio R.C. 729.51
   Sewers in subdivisions - see P. & Z. 1250.20, 1250.22
   Bathroom facilities to be connected to approved sewer system - see B. & H. 1484.03
   Maintenance of utilities - see B. & H. 1486.24