(a)   The storm water pollution prevention plan (SWP3) shall incorporate measures as recommended by the most current edition of the Rainwater and Land Development Manual, as published by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR).
   (b)   A registered professional engineer or certified professional erosion control specialist (CPESC) must certify storm water and sediment and erosion control calculations, designs and plan sheets. To the extent necessary, a registered professional surveyor may be required to certify boundary lines, measurements or land surfaces.
   (c)   A registered professional engineer, certified professional erosion and sediment control specialist (CPESC), or otherwise qualified person may select BMP's for sediment and erosion control. Projects exempt from professional design, include:
      (1)   All soil disturbing activities related to single-family residential development on individual lots; or
      (2)   All soil disturbing activities on residential parcels less than one acre and not part of a larger common plan of development on land used or being developed for all building lots.
   (d)   The city at its discretion may require an exempt project to provide erosion and sediment controls.
   (e)   Projects with earth disturbing activities anticipated to exceed one acre must file a notice of intent (NOI) with the Ohio EPA General Permit Program.
   (f)   All earth disturbing projects regardless of size must have a storm water pollution prevention plan (SWP3) for control of erosion and sediment; this plan must be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department for approval, prior to beginning any work.
(Ord. 15-O-2820, passed 5-19-2015)