§ 1045.33 VARIANCE.
   (a)   The Planning and Zoning Department may grant a variance to these regulations where the owner or his appointed representative can show that a hardship exists whereby compliance with these regulations is not appropriate, based upon the following:
      (1)   That exceptional topographic or other physical conditions exist that are peculiar to the particular parcel of land.
      (2)   That the peculiar condition in division (a) of this section did not result from previous actions by the owner.
      (3)   That a literal interpretation of these regulations would deprive the owner of rights enjoyed by other property owners.
   (b)   Adverse economic conditions shall not be considered as a valid reason or hardship for a variance request to be granted. No variances will be granted where activities occur that will defeat the purposes of these regulations.
   (c)   The request for a variance shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department and shall state the specific variances sought and include sufficient data to justify the granting of a variance.
(Ord. 15-O-2820, passed 5-19-2015)