311.01   Short Title
311.02   Purpose to Eliminate Deterioration
311.03   General Scope
311.04   The Workable Program for Community Improvements
   Conformity of community development plan to Workable Program, CO 313.05
   Conformity of neighborhood conservation plan to Workable Program, CO 323.05
   Determination of slum and blight, CO 313.02
   Duties of Commissioner of Community Development, CO 137.02
   Neighborhood conservation plan to prevent recurrence of substandard conditions, CO 323.06
   Project agreement to prevent recurrence of slum and deterioration, CO 321.17
§ 311.01 Short Title
   This Title Five of Part Three – Public and Private Land Use Regulations of the Codified Ordinances, shall be known as the “Community Development Code of the City of Cleveland”, and is hereinafter sometimes referred to as “this Code”.
(Ord. No. 1492-66. Passed 12-12-66, eff. 12-14-66)
§ 311.02 Purpose to Eliminate Deterioration
   Within the scope of this Code, the purpose of this Code is the development and implementation of a program, within the framework of coordinated and comprehensive planning for the elimination or prevention of slum, blight and deterioration so as to preserve and protect the health, safety and welfare of its inhabitants and to achieve the best urban environment for the efficient social and economic functioning of the City.
(Ord. No. 1492-66. Passed 12-12-66, eff. 12-14-66)