§ 383.35 Storage of Flammable Liquids Subject to Drug Abuse
   (a)   Definitions. For purposes of this section, certain forms are defined as follows:
      (1)   “Storage” for the purposes of this section means the regular storage of flammable liquids in containers in excess of fifty-five (55) gallon capacity which are equipped, intended or used for stationary storage.
      (2)   “Police Chief” means the Police Chief or any designated representative of the Chief.
      (3)   “Person” means any natural person or business entity.
      (4)   “Commercial storage” means storage in fifty-five (55) gallon steel containers or containers of size and construction that are standard for the industry.
   (b)   Upon receipt of information as set forth in Section 383.02, the Police Chief or his or her designated representative shall take whatever action he or she deems reasonably necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the populace including but not limited to promulgating the following orders in writing to the person or persons in control of such storage tank to prevent the abuse of the liquid:
      (1)   Requiring underground storage of such containers;
      (2)   Requiring locking mechanisms on such containers;
      (3)   Requiring security for the storage of such substance which may include guards, dogs, sensing cables, motion detection systems, photoelectric beams, or contacts on access gates;
      (4)   Requiring the erection of an adequate fence and installation of gate locking mechanisms;
      (5)   Requiring the outlet for an outdoor storage tank to be placed inside a building meeting the requirements of the Building Code.
   (c)   Notice of an order of the Chief shall be sent by certified mail return receipt requested, and shall notify the addressee of his or her rights to appeal to the Board of Building Standards and the time within which such appeal must be filed.
   (d)   In issuing a permit pursuant to Section 383.04, the Fire Chief shall review the storage of any liquid subject to drug abuse prior to the issuance of a permit and shall order a person applying for a permit to meet any requirement necessary to prevent drug abuse of the liquid prior to issuing a permit.
   (e)   The Fire Chief may revoke the permit of any person who fails to comply with an order issued pursuant to this section.
(Ord. No. 2865-78. Passed 1-29-79, eff. 1-30-79)