2.74.050   Application information lists.
   A.   The permit coordination officer, in cooperation with the appropriate filing officer, shall establish a list of the information required by the city to be submitted with an application for each type of permit. The officer shall also periodically revise each list to keep it current and accurate at all times. The application form for each type of permit shall be deemed to be an exhibit to and included within the information list for that type of permit.
   B.   An application information list may provide that specified information may be submitted after an application is accepted for filing by the city.
   C.   A copy of the appropriate application information list shall be made available to each applicant for a permit and to any person who requests such information.
   D.   If the city is the lead agency under CEQA as to a permit, the filing officer shall require the applicant to submit sufficient information to permit the city to determine whether an environmental impact report, negative declaration or mitigated negative declaration will be required for the development project.
(Ord. 2312 §19)