2.74.165   Multiple permit application processing.
   Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, when a proposed development project requires the processing of multiple applications for discretionary approvals pursuant to Titles 18 and/or 19 of this code, such applications shall be processed as follows:
   A.   All of the applications for discretionary approvals for the development project shall be processed concurrently.
   B.   If one or more of the applications requires final approval by the city council, then final action on all of the applications shall be taken by the city council. In that case, the planning commission shall make recommendations to the city council on all of the applications after reviewing each application in accordance with such notice and public hearing requirements as would otherwise apply. When making a recommendation on a type of application that would be subject to a final decision by the planning commission but for the application of this section, it is intended that the scope of the planning commission’s review shall be the same as if the commission were making the final decision. All recommendations to approve or deny an application shall include a statement of any findings required for the approval or denial of the application.
   C.   With respect to projects which include an application for site design and architectural review, the council may elect to take final action on the site design and architectural review application concurrently with final action on the other applications, or may elect to refer the final approval of the site design and architectural design to the planning commission, architectural review board or director.
(Ord. 2343, Ord. 2364 §61)