The provisions of Article 336 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Revise subsection 336.10, item (1) to read:
"For control and signal circuits."
2. Delete subsections 336.10, items (6) through (10).
3. Revise section 336.12 to read:
"Uses Not Permitted. Type TC tray cable shall not be installed or used as follows:
(1) Installed where it will be exposed to physical damage
(2) Installed outside a raceway or cable tray system
(3) Used where exposed to direct rays of the sun, unless identified as sunlight resistant
(4) Direct buried
(5) Required fire alarm systems
(6) In health care facilities, any patient communication or monitoring system"
(Amend Coun. J. 11-8-17, p. 59720, § 15)
The provisions of Article 338 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Revise section 338.10 to read:
"Uses Permitted. For existing buildings of non-transient residential occupancy containing not more than three dwelling units:
(A) Service-Entrance Conductors. Service-entrance cable shall be permitted to be used as service- entrance conductors.
(B) Branch Circuits.
(1) Branch Circuit Conductors. Type SE service-entrance cable shall be permitted for circuit wiring for electric ranges, electric hot water heaters, and electric clothes dryers.
(2) Grounded Conductor Insulated. Type SE service-entrance cables shall be permitted in wiring systems where all of the circuit conductors of the cable are of the thermoset or thermoplastic type.
(3) Use of Uninsulated Conductor. Type SE service-entrance cable without individual insulation on the grounded conductor shall not be permitted for branch circuit wiring.
(4) Temperature Limitations. Type SE service-entrance cable used to supply appliances shall not be subject to conductor temperatures in excess of the temperature specified for the type of insulation involved.
(5) Installation Methods for Cables. Cables shall be installed in accordance with (a) through (d) as listed below.
(a) Cable shall not be spliced, but shall be installed without interruption to the outlet
(b) Installation shall have approved and listed fittings
(c) In exposed installations, the cable shall follow closely follow the surface and be fastened at intervals not exceeding 450 mm (18 in.).
(d) In exterior installations, the cable shall be installed in a workman like manner in straight lines and a drip loop shall be provided"
2. Revise section 338.12 to read:
"Uses Not Permitted. Type SE and Type USE shall not be used for any installation not permitted in 338.10."
(Amend Coun. J. 11-8-17, p. 59720, § 16)
The provisions of Article 340 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modification:
1. Revise section 340.10 to read:
"Uses Permitted. Listed Type UF cable shall be permitted as follows:
(1) For use underground, including direct burial in the earth. For underground requirements, see 300.5.
(2) As single-conductor cables. Where installed as single-conductor cables, all conductors of the feeder grounded conductor or branch circuit, including the grounded conductor and equipment grounding conductor, if any, shall be installed in accordance with 300.3.
(3) For solar photovoltaic systems in accordance with 690.31.
(4) As single-conductor cables as the non-heating leads for heating cables as provided in 424.43.
Informational Note: See 310.15(A)(3) for temperature limitation of conductors."
The provisions of Article 348 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Revise section 348.10 to read:
"Uses Permitted. FMC shall be permitted to be used:
(1) For the connection of motors or recessed luminaires
(2) In lengths not exceeding 7.62 m (25 ft) between junction boxes for branch circuits in concealed work fished into existing walls, partitions, floors, or hard surface ceilings where other work does not require or include removal of the existing finished surface
(3) For required flexibility at the termination of conduit runs."
2. Insert new subsections 348.12(8) and (9) to read:
"(8) In lengths exceeding 1.83 m (6 ft) except where fished in existing construction
(9) Where exposed below the first floor except 1.83 m (6 ft) of any run shall be permitted to extend below the basement ceiling to connect to a cabinet, outlet box or junction box."
The provisions of Article 350 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Delete subsection 350.10(3).
2. Insert new subsections 350.10(3) through (5) to read:
"(3) For the connection of motors and recessed luminaires in a non-plenum ceiling
(4) In lengths not exceeding 1.8 m (6 ft) between junction boxes for branch circuits in concealed work fished into existing walls, partitions, floors, or hard surface ceilings where other work does not require or include removal of the existing finished surface
(5) For required flexibility at the terminations of conduit runs."
3. Insert new subsections 350.12(3) through (7) to read:
"(3) In hoistways, other than as permitted in 620.21(A)(1)
(4) In storage battery rooms
(5) In any hazardous (classified) location except as permitted by other articles in this Code
(6) Where exposed to materials having a deteriorating effect on the installed conductors, such as oil or gasoline
(7) Underground or embedded in poured concrete or aggregate"
The provisions of Article 352 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Revise section 352.10 to read:
"Uses Permitted. The use of PVC conduit shall be permitted in accordance with 352.10(A) through (F).
Informational Note: Extreme cold may cause some nonmetallic conduits to become brittle and, therefore, more susceptible to damage from physical contact.
(A) Corrosive Influences. PVC conduit shall be permitted in locations subject to severe corrosive influences as covered in 300.6 and where subject to chemicals for which the materials are specifically approved.
(B) Cinders. PVC conduit shall be permitted in cinder fill.
(C) Wet Locations. PVC conduit shall be permitted in portions of dairies, laundries, canneries, or other wet locations, and in locations where walls are frequently washed, the entire conduit system, including boxes and fittings used therewith, shall be installed and equipped so as to prevent water from entering the conduit. All supports, bolts, straps screws, and so forth, shall be of corrosion-resistant materials or be protected against corrosion by approved corrosion-resistant materials.
(D) Underground Installations. For underground installations, PVC conduit shall be permitted for direct burial and underground encased in concrete. See 300.5 and 300.50.
(E) Support of Conduit Bodies. PVC conduit shall be permitted to support nonmetallic conduit bodies not larger than the largest trade size of an entering raceway. These conduit bodies shall not support luminaires or other equipment and shall not contain devices other than splicing devices as permitted by 110.14(B) and 314.16(C)(2).
(F) Insulation Temperature Limitations. Conductors or cables rated at a temperature higher than the listed temperature rating of PVC conduit shall be permitted to be installed in PVC conduit, provided the conductors or cables are not operated at a temperature higher than the listed temperature rating of the PVC conduit."
2. Revise section 352.12 by inserting subsection (F) to read:
"In areas not specifically permitted in 352.10."
(Amend Coun. J. 11-8-17, p. 59720, § 17; Amend Coun. J. 1-23-19, p. 94952, Art. I, § 19)