14E-7-700 Emergency systems.
14E-7-701 Legally required standby systems.
14E-7-702 Optional standby systems.
14E-7-705 Interconnected electric power production sources.
14E-7-706 Energy storage systems.
14E-7-708 Critical operations power systems (COPS).
14E-7-710 Stand-alone system.
14E-7-712 Direct current microgrids.
14E-7-720 Circuits and equipment operating at less than 50 volts.
14E-7-725 Class 1, class 2, and class 3 remote-control, signaling, and power-limited circuits.
14E-7-727 Instrumentation tray cable: Type ITC.
14E-7-728 Fire-resistive cable systems.
14E-7-750 Energy management systems.
14E-7-760 Fire alarm systems.
14E-7-770 Optical fiber cables and raceways.