14E-9-001 Percent of cross section of conduit and tubing for conductors and cables.
14E-9-002 Radius of conduit and tubing bends.
14E-9-004 Dimension and percent area of conduit and tubing.
14E-9-005 Dimensions of insulated conductors and fixture wires and compact copper and aluminum building wire nominal dimensions and areas.
14E-9-008 Conductor properties.
14E-9-009 Alternating-current resistance and reactance for 600-volt cables, 3-phase, 60 Hz, 75°C (167°F) – Three single conductors in conduit.
14E-9-010 Conductor stranding.
14E-9-011 Class 2 and class 3 power source limitations.
14E-9-012 PLFA power source limitations.