14B-9-911 Fire command center.
The provisions of Section 911 of IBC are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1.   Revise Section 911.1.1 to read:
"911.1.1 Location and access.
The location and accessibility of the fire command center shall be reviewed and accepted by the fire code official. The fire command center shall comply with the following criteria:
1.   All panels shall be located in the line of sight immediately inside the primary entrance to the building which is facing the street of the building address. The building address number shall be conspicuously displayed above or next to the primary entrance doors.
2.   Panels shall not be located in a separate room.
3.   A six foot (1829 mm) clear working space shall be provided in front of all panels.
4.   Panels shall be mounted vertically on a wall.
5.   Panels shall be mounted so that the bottom edge is no less than 18 inches (457 mm) above the floor and the top edge is no more than 74 inches (1880 mm) above the floor.
6.   Darkened, tinted or opaque glass shall not be used to cover or obscure the panels.
Exception: Slightly-tinted glass, as approved by the fire code official.
7.   Panel doors shall be completely removable from the hinges.
8.   Where a stairway door locking system is used, the required release switch shall be clearly marked.
9.   Where panel doors are locked, an elevator-type key box, containing the panel door key, shall be provided in the immediate vicinity of the panels.
10.   All panels shall be clearly labeled at the top to indicate the purpose or function, such as "detection," "voice communication," "elevators," or "generator."
2.   Delete Section 911.1.2.
3.   Delete Section 911.1.3.
4.   Revise Section 911.1.4 to read:
"911.1.4 Layout review.
A layout of the fire command center and all features required by this section to be contained therein shall be submitted to the fire code official for review and acceptance prior to installation."
5.   Delete Section 911.1.5.
6.   Revise Section 911.1.6 to read:
"911.1.6 Required features.
The fire command center shall comply with NFPA 72 and shall contain all of the following features:
1.   [Reserved.]
2.   The fire department communications system.
3.   Fire detection and alarm system annunciator.
4.   Annunciator unit visually indicating the location of the elevators and whether they are operational.
5.   Status indicators and controls for air distribution systems.
6.   The fire fighter’s control panel required by Section 909.16 for smoke control systems installed in the building.
7.   Controls for unlocking interior exit stairway doors simultaneously.
8.   Sprinkler valve and waterflow detector display panels.
9.   Emergency and standby power status indicators.
10.   A telephone for fire department use.
11.   Fire pump status indicators.
12.   Schematic building plans indicating the typical floor plan and detailing the building core, means of egress, fire protection systems, fire fighter air replenishment system, fire-fighting equipment and fire department access and the location of fire walls, fire barriers, fire partitions, smoke barriers and smoke partitions.
13.   A Building Information Card that contains, information specified in rules adopted by the fire code official.
14.   [Reserved.]
15.   Generator supervision devices, manual start and transfer features.
16.   Public address system, where specifically required by other sections of this code.
17.   Elevator fire recall switch in accordance with the Chicago Conveyance Device Code.
18.   Elevator emergency or standby power selector switch(es), where emergency or standby power is provided."