14B-16-1601   General.
14B-16-1602   Notations.
14B-16-1603   Construction documents.
14B-16-1604   General design requirements.
14B-16-1605   Load combinations.
14B-16-1606   Dead loads.
14B-16-1607   Live loads.
14B-16-1608   Snow loads.
14B-16-1609   Wind loads.
14B-16-1610   Soil lateral loads.
14B-16-1611   Rain loads.
14B-16-1612   Flood design.
14B-16-1613   Earthquake loads.
14B-16-1614   Atmospheric ice loads.
14B-16-1615   IBC Section 1615.
14B-16-1616   Structural integrity.
14B-16-1601 General.
The provisions of Section 1601 of IBC are adopted by reference without modification.
14B-16-1602 Notations.
The provisions of Section 1602 of IBC are adopted by reference without modification.
14B-16-1603 Construction documents.
The provisions of Section 1603 of IBC are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1.   Revise the exception to Section 1603.1 by deleting item 5.
2.   Revise the first two sentences of Section 1603.1.3 to read:
"The ground snow load, Pg, shall be indicated. The following additional information shall also be provided, regardless of whether snow loads govern the design of the roof:"
3.   Revise item 6 in Section 1603.1.3 to read:
"6.   Drift surcharge load(s), Pd."
4.   Revise item 1 in Section 1603.1.4 to read:
"1.   Basic design wind speed, V, miles per hour or allowable stress design wind speed, Vasd, as determined in accordance with Section 1609.3.1."
5.   Add a new item 6 to Section 1603.1.4 to read:
"6.   Design base shear(s)."
6.   Revise Section 1603.1.5 by inserting the following between items 6 and 7:
"The following information shall be shown for structures assigned to seismic design category B, C or D:"
7.   Delete Section 1603.1.7.
8.   Delete Section 1603.1.9.