14B-33-3301 General.
14B-33-3302 Construction safeguards.
14B-33-3303 Demolition.
14B-33-3304 Site work.
14B-33-3305 Sanitary.
14B-33-3306 Protection of pedestrians.
14B-33-3307 Protection of adjoining property.
14B-33-3308 Temporary use of streets, alleys and public property.
14B-33-3309 Fire extinguishers.
14B-33-3310 Means of egress.
14B-33-3311 Standpipes.
14B-33-3312 Automatic sprinkler system.
14B-33-3313 IBC Section 3313.
14B-33-3314 Owner’s responsibility for fire protection.
14B-33-3315 Temporary heating equipment.
14B-33-3316 Precautions against fire.
14B-33-3317 Flammable and combustible liquids.
14B-33-3318 Flammable gases.
14B-33-3319 Explosive materials.
14B-33-3320 Fire reporting.
14B-33-3321 Motorized construction equipment.
14B-33-3322 Safeguarding roofing operations.
14B-33-3323 Scaffolding.
14B-33-3324 Construction site cleanliness.
The provisions of Section 3301 of IBC are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Revise Section 3301.1 to read:
"3301.1 Scope.
The provisions of this chapter shall govern safety during construction, demolition and rehabilitation work and the protection of adjacent public and private properties. Provisions of this chapter pertaining to dust control shall be enforced by the Commissioner of Public Health in accordance with Chapter 11-4 of the Municipal Code."
2. Add a new Section 3301.3 to read:
"3301.3 Delivery and removal.
Delivery and removal of equipment and materials from the construction site shall be done in a manner that prevents injury or damage to persons, adjoining properties and the public way."
3. Add a new Section 3301.4 to read:
"3301.4 Reuse and reprocessing of construction and demolition site material.
Surplus materials and debris resulting from construction and demolition activities shall be reused or reprocessed in accordance with Article XIV of Chapter 11-4 of the Municipal Code."
(Amend Coun. J. 2-19-20, p. 14473, Art. II, § 99; Amend Coun. J. 6-25-21, p. 32180, Art. II, § 27)
The provisions of Section 3302 of IBC are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Revise Section 3302.1, excluding the exceptions, to read:
"3302.1 Alterations, repairs and additions.
Required means of egress components, existing structural elements, fire protection devices and sanitary safeguards shall be maintained at all times during alterations, repairs or additions to any building or structure."
2. Delete Section 3302.2.
3. Delete Section 3302.3.
4. Add a new Section 3302.4 to read:
"3302.4 Construction loads.
Provisions shall be made to ensure that stresses due to wind loads, dead loads and loads due to material storage and construction equipment imposed during the construction, alteration, repair, addition to or demolition of any structure shall not exceed the allowable stresses for materials as limited by the provisions of this code."
5. Add a new Section 3302.5 to read:
"3302.5 Protection of openings.
All stairways, elevator shafts, flues, and other vertical openings in the floors and roof shall be covered or properly protected."