* Editor’s note – Title 14B was added by Coun. J. 4-10-19, p. 100029, Art. III, § 1. This title incorporates provisions of the 2018 International Building Code®, which is published by International Code Council, Inc. (ICC). These provisions are incorporated by reference and not reprinted in the ordinance. A free, read-only document which compiles the model code provisions and amendments adopted by the City of Chicago, hosted by ICC, can be viewed at: https://codes.iccsafe.org/content/CHIBC2019P1. For frequent users of the code, this compiled version of the Chicago Building Code is available for purchase from ICC in print and electronic formats. Provisions governing effective dates for provisions of this title are found in Section 14A-1-105.
Ch. 14B-1 Scope and Purpose
Ch. 14B-2 Definitions and Measurements
Ch. 14B-3 Occupancy Classification and Use
Ch. 14B-4 Special Detailed Requirements Based on Use and Occupancy
Ch. 14B-5 General Building Heights and Areas
Ch. 14B-6 Types of Construction
Ch. 14B-7 Fire and Smoke Protection Features
Ch. 14B-8 Interior Finishes
Ch. 14B-9 Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems
Ch. 14B-10 Means of Egress
Ch. 14B-11 Accessibility
Ch. 14B-12 Interior Environment
Ch. 14B-13 Energy Efficiency
Ch. 14B-14 Exterior Walls
Ch. 14B-15 Roof Assemblies and Rooftop Structures
Ch. 14B-16 Structural Design
Ch. 14B-17 Special Inspections and Tests
Ch. 14B-18 Soils and Foundations
Ch. 14B-19 Concrete
Ch. 14B-20 Aluminum
Ch. 14B-21 Masonry
Ch. 14B-22 Steel
Ch. 14B-23 Wood
Ch. 14B-24 Glass and Glazing
Ch. 14B-25 Gypsum Board, Gypsum Panel Products and Plaster
Ch. 14B-26 Plastic
Ch. 14B-27 Electrical
Ch. 14B-28 Mechanical Systems
Ch. 14B-29 Plumbing Systems
Ch. 14B-30 Conveyance Devices
Ch. 14B-31 Special Construction
Ch. 14B-32 Encroachments into the Public Way
Ch. 14B-33 Work Site Safety and Operations
Ch. 14B-34 Reserved
Ch. 14B-35 Referenced Standards
Ch. 14B-36 Appendices
The International Building Code, 2018 edition, first printing, and all erratum thereto identified by the publisher (hereinafter referred to as "IBC") is adopted by reference and shall be considered part of the requirements of this title except as modified by the specific provisions of this title.
If a conflict exists between a provision modified by this title and a provision adopted without modification, the modified provision shall control.
The following modifications shall apply to each provision of IBC incorporated into this title:
1. Replace each occurrence of "International Codes" with "Chicago Construction Codes."
2. Replace each occurrence of "International Building Code" with "Chicago Building Code."
3. Replace each occurrence of "ASME A17.1/CSA B44" with "Chapter 3 of the Chicago Conveyance Device Code."
4. Replace each occurrence of "NFPA 70" with "the Chicago Electrical Code."
5. Replace each occurrence of "International Fire Code" with "Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
6. Replace each occurrence of "International Fuel Gas Code" with "Chicago Fuel Gas Code."
7. Replace each occurrence of "International Mechanical Code" with "Chicago Mechanical Code."
8. Replace each occurrence of "International Energy Conservation Code" with "Chicago Energy Conservation Code."
9. Replace each occurrence of "International Plumbing Code" with "Chicago Plumbing Code."
10. Replace each occurrence of "International Existing Building Code" with "Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code."
11. Replace each occurrence of "International Property Maintenance Code" with "Chicago Minimum Requirements for Existing Buildings."
12. Delete each bracketed designation of ICC code development committee responsibility preceding a section number.