14B-4-401 Scope.
14B-4-402 IBC Section 402.
14B-4-403 High-rise buildings.
14B-4-404 Atriums.
14B-4-405 Underground buildings.
14B-4-406 Motor-vehicle-related occupancies.
14B-4-407 Group I-2.
14B-4-408 Group I-3.
14B-4-409 Motion picture projection rooms.
14B-4-410 Stages, platforms and technical production areas.
14B-4-411 Special amusement buildings.
14B-4-412 Aircraft-related occupancies.
14B-4-413 Combustible storage.
14B-4-414 Hazardous materials.
14B-4-415 IBC Section 415.
14B-4-416 IBC Section 416.
14B-4-417 IBC Section 417.
14B-4-418 IBC Section 418.
14B-4-419 Live/work units.
14B-4-420 Groups I-1, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 and R-5.
14B-4-421 IBC Section 421.
14B-4-422 Ambulatory care facilities.
14B-4-423 IBC Section 423.
14B-4-424 IBC Section 424.
14B-4-425 IBC Section 425.
14B-4-426 IBC Section 426.
14B-4-427 IBC Section 427.
14B-4-428 IBC Section 428.
The provisions of Section 403 of IBC are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Revise item 2 in the exception to Section 403.1 to read:
"2. Parking facilities in accordance with Section 406.9."
2. Delete items 4 and 5 in the exception to Section 403.1.
3. Revise item 1 (including the exception) in Section 403.2.1.1 to read:
"1. For buildings not greater than 400 feet (122 m) in building height, the fire-resistance rating of the building elements in Type IA construction, other than the primary structural frame, shall be permitted to be reduced to the minimum fire-resistance ratings for the building elements in Type IB."
4. Revise item 2 in Section 403.2.1.1 to read:
"2. In other than Group F, H, and S occupancies, the fire-resistance rating of the building elements in Type IB construction, other than the primary structural frame, shall be permitted to be reduced to the fire-resistance ratings in Type IIA."
5. Revise Section 403.2.1.2 by replacing "420 feet (128 m)" with "400 feet (122 m)."
6. Revise Section 403.2.3 by replacing "420 feet (128 m)" with "400 feet (122 m)."
7. Revise Table 403.2.4 by replacing "420 feet" with "400 feet."
8. Revise the exception to Section 403.3 to read:
"Exception: An automatic sprinkler system shall not be required in parking facilities accordance with Section 406.9."
9. Delete Section 403.3.1 and its subsections.
10. Revise the title and first sentence of Section 403.3.2 to read:
"403.3.2 Secondary water supply to required fire pumps.
In buildings that are more than 300 feet (91.4 m) in building height, required fire pumps shall be supplied by connections to not fewer than two water mains located in different streets."
11. Revise the title and first sentence of Section 403.3.3 to read:
"403.3.3 Secondary on-site water supply.
An automatic secondary on-site water supply having a capacity not less than the hydraulically calculated sprinkler demand, including the hose stream requirement, shall be provided for high-rise buildings assigned to Seismic Design Category C or D as determined by Section 1613."
11.1. Add a new Section 403.3.5 to read:
"403.3.5 Standpipe system.
Where building height exceeds 500 feet (152.4 m), the connection to the source of supply shall be located in the lowest story of the building, and the piping system shall be completely looped, without dead ends."
12. Revise Section 403.4.4 to read:
"403.4.4 Voice communication systems.
Voice communication systems shall be provided in accordance with Section 907.2.12.2."
13. Delete Section 403.4.5.
14. Revise Section 403.4.6 to read:
"403.4.6 Fire command.
A fire command center complying with Section 911 shall be provided in a location acceptable to the fire code official."
15. Revise exception 1 to item 1 in Section 403.4.7 by deleting "or suite."
16. Revise Section 403.4.8.1, excluding the exception, to read:
"403.4.8.1 Equipment room.
If the standby power system or emergency power system includes a generator set inside a building, the generator set shall be located in a separate room enclosed with 2-hour fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 or horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 711, or both. System supervision with manual start and transfer features shall be provided at the fire command center."
17. Revise Section 403.4.8.2 to read:
"403.4.8.2 Fuel line piping protection.
Fuel lines supplying a generator set inside a building shall be of double wall pipe with leak detection provided in the interstitial space and separated from areas of the building other than the room the generator is located in by an assembly that has a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 hours."
18. Revise Section 403.4.8.3 to read:
"403.4.8.3 Standby power loads.
The following are classified as standby power loads:
1. [Reserved.]
2. Elevators.
3. [Reserved.]"
19. Revise Section 403.4.8.4 to read:
"403.4.8.4 Emergency power loads.
The following are classified as emergency power loads:
1. Exit signs and means of egress illumination required by Chapter 10.
2. Elevator car lighting.
3. Voice communication systems.
4. Automatic fire detection systems.
5. Fire alarm systems.
6. Electrically powered fire pumps.
7. Power and lighting for the fire command center required by Section 403.4.6.
8. Sump pumps required by Section 403.4.9.3."
20. Add a new Section 403.4.8.5 to read:
"403.4.8.5 Diesel generator.
In high-rise buildings that are more than 400 feet (122 m) in building height, a diesel-driven generator with an on-premises fuel supply sufficient for not less than 4 hours of full-demand operation shall be provided to supply standby and emergency power loads.
The fuel source for generators in high-rise buildings that are 400 feet (122 m) or less in building height shall be either diesel fuel or natural gas."
21. Add a new Section 403.4.9 to read:
"403.4.9 Electrical equipment rooms.
Electrical equipment rooms in high-rise buildings shall comply with Sections 403.4.9.1 through 403.9.3.
403.4.9.1 Main electrical service equipment.
All main electrical service equipment shall be installed in vaults or outdoor locations.
403.4.9.2 Construction.
Electrical equipment rooms shall be enclosed with fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 or horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 711, or both. The fire-resistance rating of the enclosure shall be in accordance with Section 110.26 of the Chicago Electrical Code.
403.4.9.3 Sump pump.
Where electrical service equipment is installed in the lowest story, the electrical equipment room shall be provided with a sump pump."
22. Add a new exception to Section 403.5.1 to read:
"Exception: In Group R-2 occupancies with an automatic smoke detection system that activates the occupant notification system in accordance with Section 907.5 installed throughout all interior corridors serving dwelling units, required interior exit stairways shall be separated by a distance not less than 15 feet (4572 mm)."
23. Delete Section 403.5.2.
24. Revise the second sentence of Section 403.5.3 to read:
"Stairway doors that are locked from the stairway side shall be capable of being unlocked simultaneously, without unlatching, upon a signal from the fire command center and automatically, either by smoke detectors or sprinkler waterflow devices."
25. Revise Section 403.5.3.1 to read:
"403.5.3.1 Stairway communication system.
A two-way communication system shall be provided in accordance with Section 907."
26. Delete Section 403.5.4.
27. Delete Section 403.5.5.
28. Delete Section 403.5.6.
29. Revise Section 403.6 and its subsections to read:
"403.6 Elevators.
Elevator installation and operation in high-rise buildings shall comply with Chapter 30 and Section 403.6.1.
403.6.1 Fire service access elevator.
A minimum of one fire service access elevator shall be provided in accordance with Section 3007. Each fire service access elevator shall have a capacity of not less than 3,500 pounds (1588 kg) and shall comply with Section 3002.4."
(Amend Coun. J. 7-24-19, p. 3646, § 26; Amend Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. II, § 3)