14B-7-701 General.
14B-7-702 Multiple use fire assemblies.
14B-7-703 Fire-resistance ratings and fire tests.
14B-7-704 Fire-resistance rating of structural members.
14B-7-705 Exterior walls.
14B-7-706 Fire walls.
14B-7-707 Fire barriers.
14B-7-708 Fire partitions.
14B-7-709 Smoke barriers.
14B-7-710 IBC Section 710.
14B-7-711 Floor and roof assemblies.
14B-7-712 Vertical openings.
14B-7-713 Shaft enclosures.
14B-7-714 Penetrations.
14B-7-715 Fire-resistant joint systems.
14B-7-716 Opening protectives.
14B-7-717 Ducts and air transfer openings.
14B-7-718 Concealed spaces.
14B-7-719 Fire-resistance requirements for plaster.
14B-7-720 Thermal- and sound-insulating materials.
14B-7-721 Prescriptive fire resistance.
14B-7-722 Calculated fire resistance.
The provisions of Section 701 of IBC are adopted by reference with the following modification:
1. Revise Section 701.1 to read:
"701.1 Scope.
The provisions of this chapter shall govern the materials, systems and assemblies used for structural fire resistance and fire-resistance-rated construction, separation of adjacent spaces to safeguard against the spread of fire and smoke within a building and the spread of fire to or from buildings."
The provisions of Section 703 of IBC are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Delete Section 703.2.5.
2. Revise the numbered portion of Section 703.3 to read:
"1. Fire-resistance designs documented in a test report prepared by an approved agency or test results compiled in the UL Online Certifications Directory, Intertek Directory of Building Products, GA 600 or another approved source.
2. Prescriptive designs of fire-resistance-rated building elements, components or assemblies as prescribed in Section 721.
3. Approved calculations in accordance with Section 722.
4. Approved engineering analysis based on a comparison of building element, component or assembly designs having fire-resistance ratings as determined by the test procedures set forth in ASTM E119 or UL 263."
3. Delete the last sentence of Section 703.4.
4. Revise the first sentence of Section 703.7 to read:
"Where there is an accessible concealed floor, floor-ceiling or attic space and within mechanical and electrical rooms, fire walls, fire barriers, fire partitions, smoke barriers and smoke partitions or any other wall required to have protected openings or penetrations shall be effectively and permanently identified with signs or stenciling in the concealed space or mechanical or electrical room."