Ch. 10-4 Arrangement of City Streets
Ch. 10-8 Use of Public Ways and Places
Ch. 10-12 Street Improvements
Ch. 10-14 Reserved
Ch. 10-16 Underground Work
Ch. 10-20 Work On and Under Public Ways
Ch. 10-21 Chicago Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Ordinance
Ch. 10-24 Signs Extending Over and Upon Certain Public Property
Ch. 10-28 Structures On and Under Public Ways
Ch. 10-29 Wires, Pipes, Cables and Conduits On, Under or Over Public Property
Ch. 10-30 Telecommunications Equipment On, Over or Under Public Ways
Ch. 10-32 Trees, Plants and Shrubs
Ch. 10-36 Parks, Playgrounds and Airports
Ch. 10-40 Chicago Harbor
Article I. Street Names and Numbers
10-4-010 Street names and signs.
10-4-020 Base lines for street numbering.
10-4-030 Direction prefix to street name.
10-4-040 Numbers to the mile.
10-4-050 Assignment of numbers.
10-4-060 Information on numbers.
10-4-070 Alteration of numbers.
10-4-080 Mistake or conflict in numbering.
10-4-090 Size of figures.
10-4-100 Location of figures.
10-4-110 Numbering required.
10-4-120 Violation – Penalty.
Article II. Arterial Highway System
10-4-130 Establishment.
Article III. Streets in New Subdivisions
10-4-140 Laying out of streets.
10-4-150 Irregular boundaries.
10-4-160 Laying out of alleys.
10-4-170 Variations.
Article IV. Street Grades
10-4-180 Grades established.
10-4-190 Public works and public improvements.
10-4-200 Unpaved alleys.
10-4-210 City datum.
10-4-220 Defacement of bench monuments.
All lots or houses located on the north and south streets or on streets running in a northerly or southerly direction shall be numbered from Madison Street and a continuation of the line of Madison Street to the east as a base line, beginning with number 1 at the north line of Madison Street and increasing towards the north, and beginning with number 1 at the south line of Madison Street and increasing towards the south.
All lots or houses located on east and west streets or on streets running in an easterly or westerly direction shall be numbered from State Street, and a continuation of the line of State Street in a northerly direction, as a base line, beginning with number 1 at the east line of State Street and increasing towards the east, and beginning with number 1 at the west line of State Street and increasing towards the west.
(Prior code § 30-2)
All north and south streets or streets running in a northerly and southerly direction, or having been numbered on the north and south house-numbering basis, shall bear the prefix "N", or "S", according to their location with reference to said Madison Street.
All east and west streets or streets running in an easterly or westerly direction, or having been numbered on the east and west house-numbering basis, shall bear the prefix "E", or "W", according to their location with reference to said State Street.
(Prior code § 30-3)
There shall be assigned to each mile 800 numbers, or 100 numbers to each one-eighth of a mile on all streets. Such numbers shall be changed from any 100 to the succeeding 100 at the intersecting street nearest the said one-eighth of a mile line, excepting on all north and south streets between Madison Street on the north and Thirty-first Street on the south, in which territory there shall be assigned 1,200 numbers between Madison Street and Roosevelt Road, 1,000 numbers between Roosevelt Road and Twenty-second Street and 900 numbers between Twenty-second Street and Thirty-first Street. The even numbers on north and south streets, or streets running in a northerly or southerly direction, shall be on the west side of said streets. The even numbers on east and west streets, or streets running in an easterly or westerly direction, shall be on the north side of said streets.
(Prior code § 30-4)