Article I. Harbor Jurisdiction
10-40-010   Definition.
10-40-020   Vessels, craft and floats defined.
10-40-030   Motorboat defined.
10-40-040   Power under harbor improvement act.
10-40-050   Harbor district No. 1.
10-40-060   Harbor district No. 2.
10-40-070   Harbor district No. 3.
10-40-080   Harbor district No. 4.
Article II. Navigation of the Harbor
10-40-090   Control of vessels in harbor.
10-40-091   Insurance requirements.
10-40-100   Obstruction of harbor by vessels.
10-40-110   Obstruction of harbor by piles or stones.
10-40-120   Securing and removal of vessels.
10-40-130   Sunken or abandoned vessels.
10-40-131   Assistance to disabled vessels – Fees.
10-40-140   Raft of logs or lumber in harbor.
10-40-150   Tugs for vessels.
10-40-160   Towing – Permits.
10-40-170   Towing – Procedures.
10-40-180   Interference with dredging machine.
10-40-190   Assistance for fouled vessel.
10-40-200   Anchor dragging.
10-40-210   Moving vessel before bridge opening.
10-40-220   Names on boats.
10-40-230   Working vessel engines.
10-40-240   Smoking prohibited on waterfront.
10-40-250   Boat whistles.
10-40-260   Operation restrictions.
10-40-261   Restrictions on wake of vessels.
10-40-270   Interference with buoys.
10-40-280   Rules for vessels in harbor.
10-40-281   Advertising vessels.
10-40-290   Houseboats.
10-40-300   Tunneling under Lake Michigan.
Article III. Wharves and Docks
10-40-310   Reserved.
10-40-320   Maintenance of wharves and docks.
10-40-330   Construction and repair of structures in harbor.
10-40-340   Permit fees to construct or repair.
10-40-350   Bond for removal of old dock materials.
10-40-360   Dredging permits.
10-40-370   Encroachments and obstructions.
10-40-380   Discharge of cargo.
10-40-390   Vessels lying at docks.
10-40-400   Protection from fast-moving vessels.
Article IV. Bridges
10-40-410   Bridge opening authority.
10-40-420   Closed hours for bridges.
10-40-430   Time to remain open.
10-40-440   Signal for bridge opening.
10-40-450   Signal for opening of railroad bridges.
10-40-460   Signal to bridge tenders.
10-40-470   Obedience to bridge signals.
10-40-480   Signal equipment at bridges.
10-40-490   Obstruction of bridges by vessels.
10-40-500   Fireboats.
10-40-501   Removal or disabling of life preservers prohibited.
10-40-510   Fire apparatus crossing bridges.
10-40-520   Rule of the road.
10-40-530   Breaking line of traffic on bridge.
10-40-540   Unnecessary delay on bridge.
10-40-550   Obstruction of traffic over bridge – Prohibited.
10-40-560   Congregation on bridges or viaducts.
Article V. Violations of Chapter Provisions
10-40-570   Violation – Penalty.