Article I. Harbor Jurisdiction
10-40-010 Definition.
10-40-020 Vessels, craft and floats defined.
10-40-030 Motorboat defined.
10-40-040 Power under harbor improvement act.
10-40-050 Harbor district No. 1.
10-40-060 Harbor district No. 2.
10-40-070 Harbor district No. 3.
10-40-080 Harbor district No. 4.
Article II. Navigation of the Harbor
10-40-090 Control of vessels in harbor.
10-40-091 Insurance requirements.
10-40-100 Obstruction of harbor by vessels.
10-40-110 Obstruction of harbor by piles or stones.
10-40-120 Securing and removal of vessels.
10-40-130 Sunken or abandoned vessels.
10-40-131 Assistance to disabled vessels – Fees.
10-40-140 Raft of logs or lumber in harbor.
10-40-150 Tugs for vessels.
10-40-160 Towing – Permits.
10-40-170 Towing – Procedures.
10-40-180 Interference with dredging machine.
10-40-190 Assistance for fouled vessel.
10-40-200 Anchor dragging.
10-40-210 Moving vessel before bridge opening.
10-40-220 Names on boats.
10-40-230 Working vessel engines.
10-40-240 Smoking prohibited on waterfront.
10-40-250 Boat whistles.
10-40-260 Operation restrictions.
10-40-261 Restrictions on wake of vessels.
10-40-270 Interference with buoys.
10-40-280 Rules for vessels in harbor.
10-40-281 Advertising vessels.
10-40-290 Houseboats.
10-40-300 Tunneling under Lake Michigan.
Article III. Wharves and Docks
10-40-310 Reserved.
10-40-320 Maintenance of wharves and docks.
10-40-330 Construction and repair of structures in harbor.
10-40-340 Permit fees to construct or repair.
10-40-350 Bond for removal of old dock materials.
10-40-360 Dredging permits.
10-40-370 Encroachments and obstructions.
10-40-380 Discharge of cargo.
10-40-390 Vessels lying at docks.
10-40-400 Protection from fast-moving vessels.
Article IV. Bridges
10-40-410 Bridge opening authority.
10-40-420 Closed hours for bridges.
10-40-430 Time to remain open.
10-40-440 Signal for bridge opening.
10-40-450 Signal for opening of railroad bridges.
10-40-460 Signal to bridge tenders.
10-40-470 Obedience to bridge signals.
10-40-480 Signal equipment at bridges.
10-40-490 Obstruction of bridges by vessels.
10-40-500 Fireboats.
10-40-501 Removal or disabling of life preservers prohibited.
10-40-510 Fire apparatus crossing bridges.
10-40-520 Rule of the road.
10-40-530 Breaking line of traffic on bridge.
10-40-540 Unnecessary delay on bridge.
10-40-550 Obstruction of traffic over bridge – Prohibited.
10-40-560 Congregation on bridges or viaducts.
Article V. Violations of Chapter Provisions
10-40-570 Violation – Penalty.
The harbor shall consist of the Chicago River and its branches to their respective sources and all slips adjacent to and connecting therewith. The Ogden Canal, the Calumet River and its branches and all slips connecting therewith, the waters of Lake Calumet and all slips and basins connected therewith and all piers, breakwaters, and permanent structures therein, the Drainage Canal and all piers and basins, and the waters of Lake Michigan, including all breakwaters, piers, and permanent structures therein, for a distance of three miles from the shore between the north and south lines of the city extended, to the extent that the above-named waterways are within the territorial limits of the city. The harbor as herein defined shall be subject to the control of the commissioner of transportation, and use thereof shall be governed by this Code.
(Prior code § 38-1; Amend Coun. J. 12-11-91, p. 10832)